32 index limit

  • I have a user who is trying to connect a SQL Server 2000 table in Access using ODBC and is getting this error.

    The operation failed. There are too many indexes on table . Delete some of the indexes on the table and try the operation again. (Error 3626)

    A table in a Microsoft Jet database can have no more than 32 indexes. You cannot create additional indexes on a table with this many indexes. Further, you cannot compact a database containing a table with this many indexes because compacting a database involves creating several new indexes.

    Delete one or more indexes from the named table and try the operation again.

    Now what is odd is that there are only 24 indexes on this table. There are 124 rows in the sysindex table for the table. The rest of the rows are statisitcs.

    Does any one know if there is an Access work around to this limit? and why are we getting this error when there are only 24 indexes?


  • I don't know for sure but I thought there was a lengthlimit for the name of the primary key.

    You could also try to remove the statistics and see what happens.

  • Yes, I think the statistics are the problem. THere are 39 rows in sysindexes. It contains both stats and indexes.

    To get around it, I created an all column view attached it as a table and renamed it in Access to the table name.


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