Inedeces and Primary keys

  • How does SQL manage and use Primary keys & indeces in INSERT, DELETE

    and UPDATE operations?

  • As the name implies, a primary key has to be unique for each record in the table, so SQL will definitely test if it exists before committing an INSERT or UPDATE.

    SQL will commit a DELETE on a table with a primary key defined ONLY when there are no related records in its foreign key tables.

    An index is a sorted list of the values in the indexed columns. It may be single-column or composite, clustered or unclustered, and unique/non-unique.

    A clustered index sorts the table physically while non-clustered indexes maintain separate index files. Each index is updated after each INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

    A unique index will not allow duplicate values in its base columns during INSERT and UPDATE.

    Whether an index is composite or single-column does not affect SQL.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • Thanks a l ot.

  • Just one additional thing: in case of some large scale operations (e.g. when inserting large amount of data), it may help a lot to drop indexes, perform the task and then create indexes again.

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