Run SQL Stored Proc from access

  • Can anyone enlighten me?

    I am in the process of migrating a database from Access to SQL. I have put all the data on the SQL server and now want to use the power of the server as much as possible.

    I have a simple parametrized Stored Proc, which selects data from a table. How do I use the proc from within access? (I am using 2003)


  • Make sure that you have a reference to ADO set, then do it this way (this is for an Update query):

    Dim cnMain as ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

    Set CnMain = new ADODB.Connection

    Set cnMain = Currentproject.Connection 'or define your connection object explicitly

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = cnMain

    .CommandText = "spUPProformasForAMUpdates"

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc


    .Parameters("@ClientNumber") = "01234"

    .Parameters("@AccountManager") = "John Smith"

    .Parameters("@SalesTeam") = "Major Clients"

    .Parameters("@DateFrom") = "01-Jul-2008"


    End With

    To return a recordset to be worked with, do it this way:

    Dim rstMain as ADODB.recordset

    Dim cnMain as ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd as ADODB.command

    SET cnMain = Currentproject.Connection

    Set rstMain = New ADODB.Recordset

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = cnMain

    .CommandText = "spSEImportedRecords"

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    End With

    rstMain.Open cmd, , adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdStoredProc

  • Thanks. I will try this.

    Can those parameter values me a variable?

    thanks again

  • Yes - I have just shown hard coded values for the sake of example - as long as the variable types match the parameter definitions in the stored procedure there is no problem, but if you try to assign a string variable to an int parameter, or assign a 50 character string to a parameter defined as Varchar(20) or some such error, you will generate errors

  • npsarros,

    You should definitely check out pass-thru queries. A pass-thru query lets you execute T-SQL directly from Access, and you can use the results just like any other Access query.

    For example, to execute a stored procedure you could write

    EXEC dbo.MyStoredProcedure '7/29/2008'

    and to change the parameter, in VBA you could use something like

    CurrentDb.QueryDefs("MyPassThru").SQL = "EXEC dbo.MyStoredProcedure '7/30/2008' "

  • Public Function fAddReglajCurs(conn As ADODB.Connection, _

    contCr As String, moneda As Long, curs As Double, Data As Date) As Long

    'return id record

    Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

    On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = conn

    .CommandText = "dbo.sab_sp_addReglajFacturaAprov"

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@contCr", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20, contCr)

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@monedaID", adInteger, adParamInput, , moneda)

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@curs", adDouble, adParamInput, , curs)

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@dataSold", adDate, adParamInput, , Data)


    fAddReglajCurs = 1

    End With


    Set cmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


    fAddReglajCurs = 0

    Select Case Err.Number

    Case Else

    'MsgBox "Err addd : " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description

    End Select

    Resume Exit_Here

    End Function

  • BillMitchell. I've been banging my head against this one all morning. I'm trying to pass a date, and my code looks exactly like yours. In the store procedure the parameter is defined as a date, and when I run it I get an error because it thinks I'm passing a Varchar

    I've got another post on this out today, because I gave up with dates and just passed a number. I then used DATEADD in the sp to manipulate todays date. Both these options work when you run them on SQL Server but as soon as you take them into an Access Pass Thru query, you get data type errors. Using a number gives me a precision error, and believe me I've tried every number format and initialization I can think of.

    Any ideas?

  • If passing a date, try passing it in dd-MMM-yyyy format - e.g. '19-AUG-2008' or '01-JAN-2000' - this works with almost every database I've tried it with - Access, SQL Server, Oracle etc

  • Thanks Chris - I've done all that. That's why I abandoned dates and started using numbers. I honestly can't pass anything from Access to SQL Server. If I use a date in any format, and I put a single or a double quote around it, I get an error about converting from a varchar to a number. If I take the quote off I get an error about the / or - or whatever other date separator I am using. If I use a number, I get the precision error. It's an absolute nightmare.

    I can't see any other option than to create a table in SQL Server that will hold the date value and join it in the query in the store procedure. I can then link the table into Access and use access to manage it. How naff is that?

  • The code I posted in the first reply to this topic is a straight cut & paste from one of my systems and demonstrates passing in a date as a string - passing a date variable works just as well:

    Dim cnMain as ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

    Dim dtDateFrom as Date

    dtDateFrom = "01-Jul-2008"

    Set CnMain = new ADODB.Connection

    Set cnMain = Currentproject.Connection 'or define your connection object explicitly

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    With cmd

    .ActiveConnection = cnMain

    .CommandText = "spUPProformasForAMUpdates"

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc


    .Parameters("@ClientNumber") = "01234"

    .Parameters("@AccountManager") = "John Smith"

    .Parameters("@SalesTeam") = "Major Clients"

    .Parameters("@DateFrom") = dtDateFrom


    End With

    The stored procedure is as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE spUPPendingOrdersForAMUpdates (

    @ClientNumber [varchar](5),

    @AccountManager [varchar](3),

    @SalesTeam [varchar](3),

    @DateFrom [datetime]) AS

    UPDATE tblPendingOrders


    SalesPersonCode = @AccountManager,

    SalesTeamCode = @SalesTeam


    ClientNumber = @ClientNumber


    OrderDate >= @DateFrom)


  • Chris, I will try this and report back.

    Trouble is that is a lot of code compared to what everyone else is able to achieve - 1 line is a pass-thru query

  • Nope. I can't get the connection to work. Don't know enough about it and don't have time to look it up. Here's hoping someone can tell me what I need to do to run a pass thru query like they can.

    Meanwhile, for the sake of speed, I'm going to create a parameter table that the stored procedure can read and Access can control.

    Thanks anyway

  • If you are using the stored procedure as the recordsource for a form or report, you can use the InputParameters property of the form/report to pass the data to the stored procedure.

    Set the Recordsource of the form or report to the name of the stored procedure, the RecordSourceQualifier to the sp's owner (e.g. dbo) and then add your InputParameters in this way (parameters separated by commas):

    @RangeFrom=[forms]![frmProduceDailyReports]![txtDateFrom], @RangeTo=[forms]![frmProduceDailyReports]![txtDateTo]

    You have to be careful, as sometimes when you edit the form or report and save your changes, the input parameters disappear!

  • From Access ,use dateserial(year,month,day)

    and use in client app.- 3 textbox -year,month,day

  • Thanks for all the tips. I'm not using any forms or anything. We provide the pass thru query and the people who run it will export to Excel or whatever takes their fancy.

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