How do you handle la arge amount of characters?

  • I have a proc that creates a txt file. The sp uses a local variable that is declared as a varchar(8000). I just ran into the problem that the text file can be well over 8000 characters. So I tried to use the text datatype and I got the errror: "The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid for local variables."

    The SP uses a cursor (I know I know) to build the @Body variable which fills the txt file. I would like to only write the file once and not append to it.

    Is this possible?

    How do some of you handle a large amount of characters like this?

  • Who told you that MS SQL Server is a text editor?

    Don't trust that person any more. It's not true.

    You should chose appropriate task for every job.

    To spike with a microscope - not the best idea.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I agree with Sergiy... however, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

    Post your code so we can try things out...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (5/9/2008)however, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.



    Unless you're an amateur and don't have plans to become a professional.

    What would your car mechanic say if you'd try to tell him what to do with your car and which way?

    Right, if he is a professional he would just hand toll over to you and say "Do it if you know what to do".

    Why IT industry must be any different?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy and Jeff,

    Thanks for the vote of reassurance!! LOL! Seeing how SQL is not a text editor what would be your recommendation for situations like these?

    This is a case of I've got to get it done. I could trim the data down to well below the 8000 char size and generate a file for each < 8000 char segment but that's not what I really want to do. Espescially if business activity increases (which it will).

    Okay I trimmed the proc down and included only the cursor portion so it was a little less lengthy. Below is the code. Really all this proc does is fetch data and build a Body based on this data then create a txt file. The txt file should look like this:

    "Header Record",^





    "LI","1","Main CHARGE","","","","","725.00","","","","",^

    "LI","2","Secondary CHARGE","","","","","140.76","","","","",^

    "Trailing Data",^

    In the below code the first cursor creates the HR lines and the nested cursor creates the LI lines. Each Order needs to have a "HR" line and at least one "LI" line. So the above example would be the result of two orders. Once the body is built I add on a "Header Record" (the first line) and a "Trailing Data" footer (not included in the below code).

    Create Proc s210Cursor

    @Body varchar(8000) out,

    @Error int out,

    @ControlNumber varchar(15) out


    declare @OrderNumber int,

    @RecordID char(2) ,

    --@PurposeCode char(2) ,

    @InvoiceNumber varchar(22) ,

    @BOLNumber varchar(30) ,

    @BillingDate varchar(8) ,

    @NetAmountDue decimal(8,2) ,

    @PONumber varchar(22) ,

    @ShipperName varchar(35) ,

    @ShipperAddress varchar(35) ,

    @ShipperCity varchar(30) ,

    @ShipperState char(2) ,

    @ShipperZip varchar(6) ,

    @ShipperID int ,

    @ConsigneeName varchar(35) ,

    @ConsigneeAddress varchar(35) ,

    @ConsigneeCity varchar(30) ,

    @ConsigneeState char(2) ,

    @ConsigneeZip varchar(6) ,

    @ConsigneeID int ,

    @BillToName varchar(35),

    @BillToAddress varchar(35) ,

    @BillToCity varchar(30) ,

    @BillToState char(2) ,

    @BillToZip varchar(6) ,

    @BillToID int ,

    @TotalGrossWeight decimal(10,0) ,

    @TotalNetWeight decimal(10,0),

    @Charge decimal(8,2) ,

    @TotalLadingQuantity decimal(9,0) ,

    @ShipPay char(2) , --PP,CC,TP

    @EDIRef varchar(30) ,

    @AccountCode varchar(30) ,

    @PickupDate varchar(8) ,

    @DeliveryDate varchar(8) ,

    @LineItemID int,

    @LineItemDesc varchar(20),

    @LineItemCharge decimal(12,2),

    @LineItemFreightRate varchar(9),

    @LineItemBilledRate varchar(9),

    @LineItemRateQualifier varchar(9),

    @LineItemAccessorialCode char(3),

    @OrderID int,

    @LineItemNumber int,

    @MainBody varchar(8000),

    @InvoiceCount int,

    @CurrentDate datetime,

    @Month varchar(2),

    @Day varchar(2),

    @Hour varchar(2),

    @min-2 varchar(2),

    @sec varchar(2),

    @Date varchar(8),

    @DesCartesHeader varchar(100),

    @IpsWWHeader varchar(100),

    @IPSWWTrailer varchar(20),

    @ErrorMsg varchar(100),

    @ReturnCode int,

    @RowCount int,

    @HeaderDetailReturnCode int,

    @InvoiceBody varchar(8000),

    @LineItemBody varchar(8000),

    @BatchMsg varchar(100),

    @BatchStatus varchar(100),

    @ParamList varchar(500)

    --Get BatchControl Number


    INSERT INTO t_210_BatchControl (Customer,BatchStatus) VALUES (@CustomerName,'Gathering Invoices')

    SET @ControlNumber = Scope_Identity()

    IF isnull(@ControlNumber,0) = 0 BEGIN Print 'ControlNumber 0 or null.' SET @Error = 1 Set @ErrorMSG = 'Failure' Goto Error END


    Declare EDI Cursor For

    select Number from t_ORDER where number in (28296,30298,28807)



    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @InvoiceCount = 1


    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @LineItemNumber = 1

    --Get Details

    Exec dbo.s_EDI_210_HeaderDetail @OrderNumber,@OrderID out,@RecordID out,@PurposeCode out,@InvoiceNumber out,@BOLNumber out,@BillingDate out,@NetAmountDue out,@PONumber out,@SCAC out,@ShipperName out,@ShipperAddress out,@ShipperCity out, @ShipperState out,@ShipperZip out,@ShipperID out,

    @ConsigneeName out,@ConsigneeAddress out,@ConsigneeCity out,@ConsigneeState out,@ConsigneeZip out,@ConsigneeID out,@BillToName out,@BillToAddress out,@BillToCity out,@BillToState out,@BillToZip out,@BillToID out, @TotalGrossWeight out,@TotalNetWeight out,@Charge out,@TotalLadingQuantity out,@ShipPay out,

    @EDIRef out,@AccountCode out,@PickupDate out,@DeliveryDate out,@HeaderDetailReturnCode out

    --=============== Establish Body ==========================

    SET @MainBody =

    '"HR"' +','+ --Recode ID

    convert(varchar(20),@OrderNumber) +'","'+ --Invoice Number

    @BOLNumber +'","'+ -- BOL Number

    @BillingDate +'","'+ --Billing Date

    convert(varchar(20),@NetAmountDue) +'","'+ --Net Amount Due

    @DeliveryDate +'","'+--Delivery Date

    @PoNumber +'","'+-- Purchase Order #

    @ShipperName +'","'+ --ShipperName

    @ShipperAddress +'","'+ --Shipper Address

    @ShipperCity +'","'+ --Shipper City

    @ShipperState +'","'+ --Shipper State

    @ShipperZip +'","'+ --Shipper ZIP

    convert(varchar(20),@ShipperID) +'","'+ --Shipper ID

    @ConsigneeName +'","'+ --Consignee Name

    @ConsigneeAddress +'","'+ --ConsigneeAddress

    @ConsigneeCity +'","'+ --Consignee City

    @ConsigneeState +'","'+ --Consignee State

    @ConsigneeZip +'","'+ --Consignee Zip

    convert(varchar(20),@ConsigneeID) +'","'+ --Consignee ID

    @BillToName +'","'+ --BillTo Name

    @BillToAddress +'","'+ --BillTo Address

    @BillToCity +'","'+ --BillTo City

    @BillToState +'","'+ --BillTo State

    @BillToZip +'","'+ --BillTo Zip

    convert(varchar(20),@BillToID) +'","'+ --BillTo ID

    convert(varchar(20),@TotalGrossWeight)+'","'+ --Total Gross Weight

    '","'+--Total Net Weight

    convert(varchar(20),@NetAmountDue) +'","'+--Charge

    'USD,'+--Ctry (Country) Currency Code

    '^' +Char(13) +char(10)--Record Terminator

    ---Invalid Header Detail Error Trap

    IF @HeaderDetailReturnCode = 1


    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,@MainBody,@ControlNumber,'Invalid Header Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Header Detail has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'



    Goto Error


    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount- 1

    GOTO NextOrder


    --Insert each invoice into table if Valid

    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceInsert @ControlNumber,@OrderNumber,'Gathering Invoices',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Insert Successfull' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 2

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Insert Failed'



    Goto Error


    --IF @Body has data append to it othewise set it to the mainbody only

    IF @Body > '' BEGIN SET @Body = @Body + char(13)+Char(10) +@MainBody END

    IF isnull(@Body,'') = '' BEGIN SET @Body = @MainBody END

    --Set Each Invoice Body Individually so we can remove it later if there is a problem

    SET @InvoiceBody = @MainBody

    --============ Line Item Cursor and Details ===============

    Declare EDID Cursor for

    select a.ID

    from t_Transaction_Detail a

    JOIN t_Transaction b on a.Transaction_Id = b.ID

    left outer join (select ID,ENG_ITEMDESC from t_XREF) Fee on Fee.ID = a.ITEMTYPE_ID

    where a.order_id =@OrderID



    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    --Get Line Item Details

    Select LineItemDesc=Fee.Eng_Itemdesc,@LineItemCharge =Rate*Quantity from t_Transaction_Detail a JOIN t_Transaction b on a.Transaction_Id = b.ID

    left outer join (select ID,ENG_ITEMDESC from t_XREF) Fee on Fee.ID = a.ITEMTYPE_ID

    where =@LineItemID

    --Esablish Line Item Body


    SET @LineItemBody = '"LI' +'","'+ --Record ID

    convert(varchar(20),@LineItemNumber)+'","'+ --Line Item Number

    @LineItemDesc+'","'+ --Line Item Desc

    convert(varchar(20),@LineItemCharge) +--Charge

    '^' --Record Terminator

    --IF Line Item Data is invalid Replace and Log

    IF isnull(@LineItemBody,'') = '' or isnull(@LineItemDesc,'') = '' or convert(varchar(20),isnull(@LineItemCharge,'')) =''


    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,@LineItemBody,@ControlNumber,'Invalid Line Item Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Line Item has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'

    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID



    Goto Error


    --Remove Bad Invoice Body and decrement Invoice Count

    SET @Body = replace(@Body,@InvoiceBody,'')

    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount - 1


    --Set Main Body

    SET @BODY = @Body + @LineItemBody

    --Set Individual Invoice Body so we can remove if any problems

    SET @InvoiceBody = @InvoiceBody + @LineItemBody

    --Fetch Next Record,Append to @Body and Increment LineItemNumber


    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @Body = @Body +Char(13)+char(10)

    SET @InvoiceBody = @InvoiceBody + Char(13) + Char(10)

    SET @LineItemNumber =@LineItemNumber + 1



    IF isnull(@LineItembody,'') = '' --Line Item Body will be null if an Order Number doesn't have any rows in the transaction tables thus returning no L1 data.


    --Update Statment that doesn't work goes here

    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,'Line Item Null or Blank',@ControlNumber,'Invalid Line Item Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Line Item has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'

    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID



    Goto Error


    --Remove Bad Invoice Body and decrement Invoice Count

    SET @Body = replace(@Body,@InvoiceBody,'')

    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount - 1


    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID


    FETCH Next From EDI Into @OrderNumber

    --Reset LineItemNumber once Next Shipment is fetched

    SET @LineItemNumber = 0

    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0

    --Increment Invoice Count only if another record is retrieved

    BEGIN SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount + 1 END




  • How did you intend to place the results in a file? Also, can you use xp_CmdShell or not?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    Just i am thinking, will Tally table be a good replacement for this cursor ?


  • I call that cursor proc from another proc "sFileCreate". This proc actually calls that cursor proc then takes the output and creates a txt file:

    Create Proc sFileCreate



    @HR int, --HResult

    @OutputFile varchar(100),

    @ObjectID int,

    @FileExistsDirectory varchar(100),

    @FileExists int,

    @FileObjectID int,

    @FilePath varchar(100),

    @ArchiveFilePath varchar(100),

    @Body text, --varchar(8000),

    @EmailBody varchar(1000),

    @Error int,

    @ControlNumber varchar(15),

    @ArchiveFileDate char(8)


    exec sCursor @Body out,@Error out,@ControlNumber out

    --IF len(@Body) as BodyCharCount

    IF @Error > 0

    BEGIN PRINT 's_Cursor Errored Terminating File creation. Error: ' + @Body RETURN END

    IF @Body = 'No Records'

    BEGIN update t_MTSTM_EDI_210_BatchControl set BatchStatus = 'File Not Created' where ID = @ControlNumber

    PRINT 'No Records in Body. File Not Created'

    GoTo ArchiveFile


    ------------------------------ Create 210.txt File -----------------------------

    ---Create Object ----

    exec @HR = sp_OACreate "Scripting.FileSystemObject",@ObjectId OUT

    IF @HR <> 0

    BEGIN Exec sp_DisplayOAErrorInfo @ObjectId,@HR RETURN END

    --File Path

    SET @FIlePath = '\\MachineName\c:\210.txt'

    --============ Check If File Exists Before Creating New File ============

    exec master.dbo.xp_FileExist @FilePath,@FileExists out

    IF @FileExists = 1


    update t_MTSTM_EDI_210_BatchControl set BatchStatus = 'File Not Created' where ID = @ControlNumber

    PRINT 'File Exists'



    --Create File Object from "FileSystemObject"

    exec @HR = sp_OAMethod @ObjectID,'CreateTextFile',@FileObjectID out,@FilePath

    --Create Write Object From "File Object"

    exec @HR = sp_OAMethod @FileObjectId,'WriteLine',null,@Body

    --Destroy "FileSystemObject" Object

    exec @HR = sp_OADestroy @ObjectID

    --Destroy "File Object"

    exec @HR = sp_OADestroy @FileObjectID

    --============ Check If File Exists After Creating New File ============

    exec master.dbo.xp_FileExist @FilePath,@FileExists out

    IF @FileExists = 1


    PRINT 'File Created Successfully'

    update tBatchControl set BatchStatus = 'File Created' where ID = @ControlNumber


  • karthikeyan (5/12/2008)


    Just i am thinking, will Tally table be a good replacement for this cursor ?

    Hi Karthik,

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the answer is "No". This is EDI code which makes XML look like a cake walk. Every set of related records must have a header and the format of the header is necessarily different than the detail records. Further, it's important that the header record be immediately above the detail records it represents. It's like having a million little DBIII tables in the form of a text file.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • It would appear that you're trying to write everything as a single line using SP_OA... instead of trying to jamb everything into a single line of text, why not continue the trend of a loop? Populate a temp table with as many 4-8000 character lines you need (EDI 210 must be shorter than than) and the loop the SP_OA writelines to build a file as large as you need. No need to bother with the TEXT datatype at all.

    Of course, I could be wrong 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff, I believe you're ovecomplicationg the problem.

    I would suggest:

    1) create simple ReportTable


    SeqNo smallint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    ReportString varchar(8000) NULL


    2) Populate this table with lines to be reported, lines must be built as they need to appear in report, I mean with formatting, delimiters, etc.

    3) Run simple bcp (or osql) call from whatever invokes this report (xp_cmdshell, Windows application, web-service, etc.) as

    SELECT ReportString FROM ReportTable ORDER BY SeqNo

    and direct report to a file.

    4) Report success to the boss.


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy (5/12/2008)

    Jeff, I believe you're ovecomplicationg the problem.

    I would suggest:

    1) create simple ReportTable


    SeqNo smallint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    ReportString varchar(8000) NULL


    2) Populate this table with lines to be reported, lines must be built as they need to appear in report, I mean with formatting, delimiters, etc.

    3) Run simple bcp (or osql) call from whatever invokes this report (xp_cmdshell, Windows application, web-service, etc.) as

    SELECT ReportString FROM ReportTable ORDER BY SeqNo

    and direct report to a file.

    4) Report success to the boss.


    Yep... you're right... I was temporarily blinded by all the cursors and the use of SP_OA. :sick: Thanks for the correction, Sergiy. 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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