SQL Server connection string Issue

  • Hi I have two web servers where application is accessing a third machine for the database.

    So lets suppose web servers are Web001, Web002 and the Database servers is DataMachine(IP is

    Connection string to connect to the DataMachine from Web001 is as below:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=NursingCenter;Data Source=

    This works fine

    But when i use this connection string to connect the database from Web002 it gives me the error "Server doesn't exist",

    If i add "Network Liberary=dbmssocn" parameter to my connection string it works see below string:

    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Network Liberary=dbmssocn;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=NursingCenter;Data Source=

    I don't want to user the "Network Liberary=dbmssocn" parameter in connection string.

    My question is how can i resolve this issue?Or is there any place in SQL Server 2000 where we give IP address for the clients who will access the database.

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
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  • Is the mdac level the same on both servers?

    On what OS are the servers running? Sql server service pack?

    Why do you connect with sa? (and even a blank password?)

  • Both the servers have same MDAC Level.

    All the servers are same SQL Server 2000

    Service pack is also same ,

    This is an exising project and they are using the connection string without password from long time,and now they want to replace the old servers with the new one, hence we are facing this issue as we are nto able to use the same connection string from both the Web servers.

    This is a critical issue can some one let me know how and where i can look for solving the issue

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
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  • Hey guys i have a solution for the above problem

    There is a utility called as Client Network Utility

    Go to Run->cliconfg.exe

    In the cliconfg.exe there is an Alias Tab where

    In one Web server it is defined to some path like as below [Server where we have to use the Network liberary]

    //server name/pipe/sql/query

    But in the other Web server it was not defined any thing in Alias Tab.[This was working without original query string]

    I have removed the Alias from the server where Normal query string was not working and it works.

    Thanks for all of your time and support.

    Can some one give a hint why is this Alias is used for so that i can dig more.

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

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