Problems updating inserted row from within cursor

  • I have a cursor with a nested cursor.

    The outer cursor gathers data then inserts the ID number and a predefined status into a table for each loop i.e. (789377,'Collecting Data'). The nested cursor gathers more data for each item from the outer cursor. If the nested cursor gathers data and that data is deemed invalid by me (maybe some sub-data is missing so I don't want to include that item in the report) I want to update the table that was first inserted into with a new status for that paticular item. i.e. (789377,'Bad Data').

    I can insert the data for each intial cursor loop but if I try to update one of those records from within the nested cursor it doesn't work.

    Is there a way to update a row that you just inserted within the same cursor?

    In the nested cursor I specified a waittime of 20 seconds before my update statement. I ran the cursor and in another query window I selected from that table and did the same update that should take place in the nested cursor. I got 1 row effected in the result pain for each statement. So the update statement didn't fail but the changes weren't commited either.

    Any thoughts?

  • Could you post the code please?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • It's a lot of code. You really don't want to go thru all of it. I'll post code that essential does the same thing.

  • Okay here is the gist of it. In the nested cursor I am updating the same table that the main cursor inserted into. This happens if there is bad data for some reason.

    Declare MainCursor Cursor For

    select ID from Table where ID in (1234,5555,7890)

    Open MainCursor

    Fetch Next From MainCusor Into @ID

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    insert into t_CusorTable (ID,Status) Values (@Id,'Gathering Data')

    Set @Body = @ID + ',^'

    Declare NestedCursor Cursor for

    select Tran_ID from t_table2 where ID = @Id

    Open NestedCursor

    Fetch Next From NestedCursor Into @TranId

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    exec s_GetDetailsForNestedCusorID @Tran_ID,@Quantity out,@Amount out

    IF @Quantity < 1 or isnull(@Amount,0) = 0


    update t_CursorTable set Status = 'Bad Data' where ID = @ID

    Close NestedCursor

    Deallocate NestedCursor

    Close MainCursor

    Deallocate MainCursor

    GoTo Error


    --Build Body with each loop--

    SET @Body = @Body + @Body


    Fetch Next From NestedCursor Into @TranId

    Close NestedCursor

    Deallocate NestedCursor

    FetchNext From MainCursor Into @Id

    Close MainCursor

    Deallocate MainCursor

  • Can't see anything offhand that would make the update fal. It's not as if you're updating a row that the cursor's based off.

    I'm not sure a cursor's necessary at all here. What does that GetDetails... proc do?

    p.s. That's partially why I asked for the code, to see if a rewrite sans cursor would be possible

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Both Cursors call data from different tables than the inserted/updated table.

    For some reason it won't update the row/s that were inserted within that currrent cursor. If I write a generic update statment and call it in place of the other one it'll update all data in that table except data that was inserted during that cursor. Maybe I need to go with a different type of cursor.

  • What this proc really does is get details for various amounts of orders (Could be 1 or 1000) and build a @Body(varchar) so I can write it to a txt file. The txt file has to be in a specific format i.e.

    "Header Record",^





    "LI","1","Main CHARGE","","","","","725.00","","","","",^

    "LI","2","Secondary CHARGE","","","","","140.76","","","","",^

    "Trailing Data",^

    The HR record is data that is built from the MainCursor and then the LI records (LineItems) are built from the nested cursor. Each has to be on it's own line with the LineItems incrementing by one. The main @Body is built then l add Header and Trailing Data and then create a TXT File.

    If any data is wrong or missing I can't include it so as I loop thru the cursor I perform various checks while building @Body, inserting into log tables which orders are actually being used and which are "failing". If they fail I remove that portion from @Body and log the failure in another table.

    The initial insert logs all the orders that were called. If one fails we insert it into a Log table with a reason for failure but then I wanted to update that initial insert table with a status of failed.

    Do you think this is something that could be done without a Cursor?

  • I'm with Gail...not sure a cursor (or nested cursor...yuk) is necessary, but seeing what you are doing would help us determine that.

    Have you investigated using 'UPDATE...FROM'...this allows you to select data from other tables and insert it into a 'target' table.

    If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!;)

  • Okay you asked for it!!!! 🙂

  • Okay I trimmed the proc down and included only the cursor portion so it was a little less lengthy.

    --Get BatchControl Number


    INSERT INTO t_210_BatchControl (Customer,BatchStatus) VALUES (@CustomerName,'Gathering Invoices')

    SET @ControlNumber = Scope_Identity()

    IF isnull(@ControlNumber,0) = 0 BEGIN Print 'ControlNumber 0 or null.' SET @Error = 1 Set @ErrorMSG = 'Failure' Goto Error END


    Declare EDI Cursor For

    select Number from t_RDER where number in (28296,30298,28807) /* 24420 */



    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @InvoiceCount = 1


    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @LineItemNumber = 1

    --Get Details

    Exec dbo.s_EDI_210_HeaderDetail @OrderNumber,@OrderID out,@RecordID out,@PurposeCode out,@InvoiceNumber out,@BOLNumber out,@BillingDate out,@NetAmountDue out,@PONumber out,@SCAC out,@ShipperName out,@ShipperAddress out,@ShipperCity out,@ShipperState out,@ShipperZip out,@ShipperID out,

    @ConsigneeName out,@ConsigneeAddress out,@ConsigneeCity out,@ConsigneeState out,@ConsigneeZip out,@ConsigneeID out,@BillToName out,@BillToAddress out,@BillToCity out,@BillToState out,@BillToZip out,@BillToID out,@TotalGrossWeight out,@TotalNetWeight out,@Charge out,@TotalLadingQuantity out,@ShipPay out,

    @EDIRef out,@AccountCode out,@PickupDate out,@DeliveryDate out,@HeaderDetailReturnCode out

    --=============== Establish Body ==========================

    SET @MainBody =

    '"HR"' +','+ --Recode ID

    convert(varchar(20),@OrderNumber) +'","'+ --Invoice Number

    @BOLNumber +'","'+ -- BOL Number

    @BillingDate +'","'+ --Billing Date

    convert(varchar(20),@NetAmountDue) +'","'+ --Net Amount Due

    @DeliveryDate +'","'+--Delivery Date

    @PoNumber +'","'+-- Purchase Order #

    @ShipperName +'","'+--ShipperName

    @ShipperAddress +'","'+ --Shipper Address

    @ShipperCity +'","'+ --Shipper City

    @ShipperState +'","'+ --Shipper State

    @ShipperZip +'","'+ --Shipper ZIP

    convert(varchar(20),@ShipperID) +'","'+ --Shipper ID

    @ConsigneeName +'","'+ --Consignee Name

    @ConsigneeAddress +'","'+ --ConsigneeAddress

    @ConsigneeCity +'","'+ --Consignee City

    @ConsigneeState +'","'+ --Consignee State

    @ConsigneeZip +'","'+ --Consignee Zip

    convert(varchar(20),@ConsigneeID) +'","'+ --Consignee ID

    @BillToName +'","'+ --BillTo Name

    @BillToAddress +'","'+ --BillTo Address

    @BillToCity +'","'+ --BillTo City

    @BillToState +'","'+ --BillTo State

    @BillToZip +'","'+ --BillTo Zip

    convert(varchar(20),@BillToID) +'","'+ --BillTo ID

    convert(varchar(20),@TotalGrossWeight)+'","'+ --Total Gross Weight

    '","'+--Total Net Weight

    convert(varchar(20),@NetAmountDue) +'","'+--Charge

    'USD,'+--Ctry (Country) Currency Code

    '^' +Char(13) +char(10)--Record Terminator

    ---Invalid Header Detail Error Trap

    IF @HeaderDetailReturnCode = 1


    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,@MainBody,@ControlNumber,'Invalid Header Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Header Detail has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'



    Goto Error


    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount- 1

    GOTO NextOrder


    --Insert each invoice into table if Valid

    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceInsert @ControlNumber,@OrderNumber,'Gathering Invoices',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Insert Successfull' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 2

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Insert Failed'



    Goto Error


    --IF @Body has data append to it othewise set it to the mainbody only

    IF @Body > '' BEGIN SET @Body = @Body + char(13)+Char(10) +@MainBody END

    IF isnull(@Body,'') = '' BEGIN SET @Body = @MainBody END

    --Set Each Invoice Body Individually so we can remove it later if there is a problem

    SET @InvoiceBody = @MainBody

    --============ Line Item Cursor and Details ===============

    Declare EDID Cursor for

    select a.ID

    from t_Transaction_Detail a

    JOIN t_Transaction b on a.Transaction_Id = b.ID

    left outer join (select ID,ENG_ITEMDESC from t_XREF) Fee on Fee.ID = a.ITEMTYPE_ID

    where a.order_id =@OrderID



    WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0


    --Get Line Item Details

    select @LineItemDesc=Fee.Eng_Itemdesc,@LineItemCharge =Rate*Quantity

    from t_Transaction_Detail a

    JOIN t_Transaction b on a.Transaction_Id = b.ID

    left outer join (select ID,ENG_ITEMDESC from t_XREF) Fee on Fee.ID = a.ITEMTYPE_ID

    where =@LineItemID

    --Esablish Line Item Body


    SET @LineItemBody = '"LI' +'","'+ --Record ID

    convert(varchar(20),@LineItemNumber)+'","'+ --Line Item Number

    @LineItemDesc+'","'+ --Line Item Desc

    convert(varchar(20),@LineItemCharge) +--Charge

    '^' --Record Terminator

    --IF Line Item Data is invalid Replace and Log

    IF isnull(@LineItemBody,'') = '' or isnull(@LineItemDesc,'') = '' or convert(varchar(20),isnull(@LineItemCharge,'')) =''


    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,@LineItemBody,@ControlNumber,'Invalid Line Item Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Line Item has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'

    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID



    Goto Error


    --Remove Bad Invoice Body and decrement Invoice Count

    SET @Body = replace(@Body,@InvoiceBody,'')

    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount - 1


    --Set Main Body

    SET @BODY = @Body + @LineItemBody

    --Set Individual Invoice Body so we can remove if any problems

    SET @InvoiceBody = @InvoiceBody + @LineItemBody

    --Fetch Next Record,Append to @Body and Increment LineItemNumber


    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0


    SET @Body = @Body +Char(13)+char(10)

    SET @InvoiceBody = @InvoiceBody + Char(13) + Char(10)

    SET @LineItemNumber =@LineItemNumber + 1



    IF isnull(@LineItembody,'') = '' --Line Item Body will be null if an Order Number doesn't have any rows in the transaction tables thus returning no L1 data.


    --Update Statment that doesn't work goes here

    exec dbo.s_EDI_210_InvoiceErrorInsert @OrderNumber,'Line Item Null or Blank',@ControlNumber,'Invalid Line Item Detail',@ReturnCode out

    IF @ReturnCode > 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Line Item has bad data. Error Insert successful' END

    IF isnull(@ReturnCode ,0) = 0


    PRINT 'Invoice Error Insert Failed Terminating Batch'

    Set @Error = 3

    SET @ErrorMSG = 'Invoice Error Insert Failed'

    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID



    Goto Error


    --Remove Bad Invoice Body and decrement Invoice Count

    SET @Body = replace(@Body,@InvoiceBody,'')

    SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount - 1


    Close EDID

    Deallocate EDID


    FETCH Next From EDI Into @OrderNumber

    --Reset LineItemNumber once Next Shipment is fetched

    SET @LineItemNumber = 0

    IF @@Fetch_Status = 0

    --Increment Invoice Count only if another record is retrieved

    BEGIN SET @InvoiceCount = @InvoiceCount + 1 END




  • Because you are building a output string for EDI, it doesn't appear that you will be able to totally get away from some kind of row by row processing, but you can improve upon what you have (we can go there later).

    Just looking at this, it looks like it will be a performance problem (that will depend on the volume of data, etc.), but you need to see if that is indeed the case before undertaking the effort to rewrite it.

    Going back to your original problem of the updates not working, have you tried running SQL Profiler to see what is going on?

    If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!;)

  • Trader Sam (3/25/2008)

    Because you are building a output string for EDI, it doesn't appear that you will be able to totally get away from some kind of row by row processing, but you can improve upon what you have (we can go there later).

    Why not tackle this with some kind of UNION query, or multiple inserts to a temp table. I've yet to see anything dictating a cursor here.

    As of right now I'm seeing something that could be achieved with 3 inserts and some interesting sorting. Maybe a temp table to store the intermediate results, or XML, since the record layouts change. Would handle the data volume problem and the resulting performance issue with no problem.

    Of course - we would need the ENTIRE spec for what the file would have to look like, but still

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I have done this in the past using temp tables, but I cheated and used while loops, but only to build the final output string. It was the most obvious solution to me at the time and the data volume was low.

    I would be interested to see the solution using UNIONS as that would eliminate the RBAR (row by row) which would be beneficial in larger data sets.

    If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!;)

  • #1.Well - I'd probably build a large FOR XML EXPLICIT query, spit it to disk and post-process it to the format they want (way faster than solution #2). Will create a XML big file, but with the right indexing would kill the cursor AND #2, IMO.

    #2. Given 2000, if you wish to avoid XML, there is some amount of un-prettiness, since you have to build the actual output by row into a fairly large VARCHAR field. Which admittedly will cause table scans (a form of RBAR), but still - much better over all than cursor behavior.

    That being said - if you were to create a temp table looking something like this:

    Create table #MyOutput (InvoiceNumber varchar(20),

    LineMainRank int,

    LineSubRank int,

    LineNumber int,

    rowOutput varchar(1000))

    And then simply insert all of the various TYPES of rows together, you should get a LOT better than the cursor.

    Example (air-code warning, since we have NO DDL to speak of). I am NOT going to decipher or infer what the various SP's are doing.


    Insert #myOutPut( InvoiceNumber,LineMainRank , LineSubRank, LineNumber, rowOutput)

    select '',0,0,Null,'"Header Record"' UNION ALL

    --I'm reading this to be static, if it's not, substitute for what builds it

    select '',1,0,Null,'"01","210","4","20080325","0815","004010"'

    --insert the Main Invoice number rows

    Insert #myOutPut( InvoiceNumber,LineMainRank , LineSubRank, LineNumber, rowOutput)

    select invnumb, 2,0,null,'"HR","'+convert(varchar(20),OrderNumber) +'"' --etc - build the line

    From T_orders

    where type='MainInvoice' --replace with your logic

    --insert the Main Charge Lines here...

    Insert #myOutPut( InvoiceNumber,LineMainRank , LineSubRank, LineNumber, rowOutput)

    select invnumb, 3,1,null,'"LI","1","Main CHARGE","'+convert(varchar(20),OrderNumber) +'"' --etc - build the line

    From T_orders

    where type='MainChargeSub' --replace with your logic

    --insert the Secondary Charge Lines here...

    Insert #myOutPut( InvoiceNumber,LineMainRank , LineSubRank, LineNumber, rowOutput)

    select invnumb, 3,1,null,'"LI","2","Secondary CHARGE","'+convert(varchar(20),OrderNumber) +'"' --etc - build the line

    From T_orders

    where type='2ndChargeSub' --replace with your logic



    Again - very rough, since we don't have specs to go on. Still - you end up with 3-4 inserts based on tables. And this will only take a fraction of the time a cursor might take to build the same thing.

    If you need to build the line numbers for some reason- look up Jeff's Running totals article with how to update a temp table like this with line numbers (note the field is already there).

    Your output is then simply

    select RowOutput

    from #myOutput

    order by InvoiceNumber,LineMainRank , LineSubRank, LineNumber

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Ahhh...the key to your solution, Matt, is to build the row string on the INSERT into the temp table, rather than building it when SELECTING from the temp tables.

    It is amazing how a concept as simple as that can make coding more difficult if you don't catch it.

    If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!;)

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