Need suggestions for SQL 2000 Administrator's Guide - relatively new to SQL Admin.

  • I don't necessarily want to purchase a lot of books. Maybe just one to start with.

    What have you all found to be a fantastic resource in your SQL Admin journey?

  • New - Intermediate level:

    SQL Server 2000 Administrators Pocket Handbook from Microsoft

    touches on all phases of administration

    Intermediate to Advanced

    SQL Server 2000 Performance and Tuning handbook by Ken England.

    this is an indespensable resource. outstanding, but may be over your head at times if u r really new at SQL Server, and does NOT touch on all phases of administration, but will make you a better DBA overnight.

  • Here is my penny.

    The shortcut is to ask someone to show its entrance, such as how to do something basic. Then, practice.

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