Transfer Text method in VBA

  • I'm trying to create a fixed length text file as a result of a query using the 'Transfer Text' method. I have a query that prompts for two input parameters. These will select the records that I want to output. It displays the records on the screen correctly. I want these same records to be output as a fixed length text file. Using 'Transfer Text' in VBA, I put in the table name the query displays the correct records but the whole table is output to a fixed length file. If I specify the stored procedure name, the query displays the correct records and then I get a message that says that VBA can't find the stored procedure. If I don't include a table name, I get a message that says that "The action or method requires a Table Name argument". I haven't figured out how to specify that just the output of the query and not the whole file should be output as text.

    Here's my code....

    Private Sub FileOut_Click()

    On Error GoTo Err_FileOut_Click

        Dim stDocName As String

        stDocName = "File Submittal"

        DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure stDocName, acViewNormal, acEdit

        DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, , "MBS Input", "C:\Documents and settings\dwynn\desktop\m1234567-999.txt"


        Exit Sub


        MsgBox Err.Description

        Resume Exit_FileOut_Click


    End Sub


    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • I normally use a temp table to store the results of the query then use the table in the transfertext method.

  • Use a pass through query and export that. You need to add code something like this:

        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qpTest")
        qdf.SQL = "File Submittal " & param1 & "," & param2

        DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, , "qpTest", "C:\Documents and settings\dwynn\desktop\m1234567-999.txt"

    I am assuming that the pass through query is called qpTest and that you have your two variables in param1 and param2.

  • I agree with jfm on one point.  Use a pass through query but don't use DAO.  ADO is the standard and you will have a much easier time later on.

    Try this

    dim rsProc as new adodb.recordset

    dim strSQL as string

    strsql = "qpttest,(parameter1),Parameter2"

    set rsProc =  currentproject.connection.execute (strsql)

    DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, , rsProc, "C:\Documents and settings\dwynn\desktop\m1234567-999.txt"



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