Beginner Help with Select Query

  • I have a data table (Table1) with 3 fields: Name, Date, Amount. There are multiple records for the same person in "Name". So, for example I have this data in Table1:

    Name Date Amount

    Smithy 1/1/1999 2000

    Smithy 1/4/2001 199

    Ann 1/2/2002 432

    George 1/4/2002 5009

    Ann 1/3/2003 3455

    I want to know what the highest value is in "Amount" for each of the people in "Name" and return that record. So, for exmple, I would want the output like this:

    Name Date Amount

    Smithy 1/1/1999 2000

    Ann 1/3/2003 3455

    George 1/4/2002 5009

    If anyone could help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.



  • OK! I figured it out! I did this:

    SELECT MAX([Table1].Amount), [Table1].Name

    FROM [Table1]

    GROUP BY [Table1].Name;


  • OK, that didn't work as I thought it did. What I want is to report back the whole record, not just the Name and Amount. I also want whatever Date is associated with the Amount.

    Can anyone help?



  • Add the Date field to the Select statement and the Group By clause.

  • Hi,

    One of the problems with total queries is displaying information that does not take part in the actual grouping. Use a two stage approach. use the query above  in another query lining back to the original table using date and name to link the tables together. Then you can display whatever information you require from your main table.


  • Will, here is the SQL for the first query (Name it Query15 for this example):

    SELECT Table4.Name, Max(Table4.Amount) AS Amount

    FROM Table4

    GROUP BY Table4.Name;

    Then the second query uses the first query (Query15) to select (JOIN) the records that have the Max amount for each Name:

    SELECT Table4.Name, Table4.myDate, Table4.Amount

    FROM Table4 INNER JOIN Query15 ON (Table4.Amount = Query15.Amount) AND (Table4.Name = Query15.Name);


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Vic[/font]

  • select Table1.Name, Table1.Data, Table1.Amount

    from Table1 inner join (

    SELECT MAX([Table1].Amount) Amount, [Table1].Name

    FROM Table1

    GROUP BY [Table1].Name) a

    on Table1.Name=a.Name and Table1.Amount=a.Amount


  • If you have more than one date that the user made the same Max purchase, you will get mulitple records in your result set for the same max amount (each with different dates).

    You'll need to group by a last time to get the max (or min) date for that max amount to account for those.

    Select b.Name, Max(b.Date), b.Amount


    (select Table1.Name, Table1.Data, Table1.Amount

    from Table1 inner join (

    SELECT MAX([Table1].Amount) Amount, [Table1].Name

    FROM Table1

    GROUP BY [Table1].Name) a

    on Table1.Name=a.Name and Table1.Amount=a.Amount) b

    Group by b.Name, b.Amount

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