HELP with Triggers [AGAIN]

  • I have proven w/o doubt that a trigger in sql will be fired for a single statement.. even if let's say it's a batch insert.. and also the fact that in Oracle, a trigger will be executed for each record in a batch statement.

    Now here's the catch, I'm currently converting  oracle trigger into SQL trigger, and inside the Oracle trigger is one insert statement.. an update to a logging table.

    one of the values to be inserted is an incrementing value...(sequence in oracle)


    How do I go about this.. since trigger in SQL is by batch(of records)?


    Can anyone help me in my dilemma please.. huhuhu



  • SQL Server maintains two special tables for triggers. The inserted and the deleted table. Do a search here how to deal with them. They can be JOINed like any other table. So you should easily be able to generate a sequence.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yeah I know but my problem is the increment part... hehehe.. I have made somewhat a short code for this and the trigger basically does this part..

    Is this a good solution or is there a better one?




    id numeric IDENTITY(1, 1),

    value char(1)


    --table where value is taken say the inserted table



    id numeric, -- depends on the sequence

    value char(1)


    --table where value is saved some other logging table



    id numeric IDENTITY(1, 1),

    value char(1)


    --table where value is temporarily kept

    DECLARE @n_Seq numeric -- the sequence used for inserting in @y

    SET @n_Seq = 2 --starting sequence

    select @n_Seq as 'starting sequence'

    --dummy data

    insert into @x values('a')

    insert into @x values('b')

    insert into @x values('c')

    --get the wanted data from @x, and save it in @temp

    insert into @temp

    select value from @x

    --then format the data using the start sequence insert into @y

    insert into @y


     @n_Seq + id,




    --then lines here to update the sequence with the I did not include it but it's part of the functions... it's actually a table that contains.. sequencename and then the next_val data... and I made a procedure to get the next value given a sequence name but then I can'T use stored procedures w/n set statements can I? so I've come up w/ this solution.

    SELECT @n_Seq = @n_Seq + COUNT(*) from @temp

    --print results

    select 'tablex', * from @x

    select 'tabley', * from @y

    select @n_Seq as  'last sequence', count(*) as 'records inserted in y' from @temp

  • Why are you maintaining a sequence at all?

    What will this be used for?

    Usually this is a presentational issue.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I'm not the one maintaining this.. I just follow what is asked of me.. and well convert the said triggers... into SQL..

  • After some thorough investigation of the code I aslo realize that some of the sequence is for the current file number. or some thing regarding cSV

  • I'm confused right now. Will this help you?;en-us;186133

    The first example in the link can be extended to use some custom seed value like this:

    use pubs

    declare @i int

    select @i=count(*) from authors

    select rank=count(*)+@i, a1.au_lname, a1.au_fname

       from authors a1, authors a2

       where a1.au_lname + a1.au_fname >= a2.au_lname + a2.au_fname

       group by a1.au_lname, a1.au_fname

       order by 1

    I hope this is at least a bit going your direction.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  •   One question though, What does the 'order by 1' part of the code do.

  • 'Order by 1' says to order the resultset by the first column in it, in this case, the count(*)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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