Database Transactional Replication -

  •  Thanks! in advance for the Suggestions or ideas!

    I need to replicate few tables for every 10 minutes from a production database and would like to implment this by setting up Transactional replication only, but unfortunately not all the tables have primary keys. 

    Can any one suggest workaround for this scenario?

    Workaround: what I thought is... we can create an "id" column in each table that doesn't have a primary key and then we can use these tables for transaction replication. Is this do-able???  Does this work???



  • You have to have a primary key for transactional replication to work. When you say 'create an "id" column in each table', I presume your thinking of creating an identity column. If so, make sure that you don't make them clustered (this is done by default).

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Even I pressume that id column means identity column and it is a good idea. If the table is really big and millions of rows then be sure the data type to hold big numbers (bigint).



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