How to backup a dts-package

  • Dear all

    What is the common method to backup a dts-package.

    Are dts-packages stored in a dts-system database? When yes where and how do you restore a dts-package if needed.

    Help is very appreciated.


  • I save them as vbscript and then run from within VB6 or Access if I need to recreate a package. (Package/SaveAs/Location = Visual Basic File)

  • DTS package data is stored in the MSDB database so a backup of that backs up packages.  The drawback is when you want to restore a single package, you'll have to find another instance to restore the database to. 

    I much prefer Metra's method.  You can also store packages as structured storage file with a .dts extension.  See "How to save a DTS package..." in BOL.



  • Using the Save As structured storage file (.DTS) offers the most flexibility by keeping the layout and annotations of the package intact.

    There are other tools such as DTS Backup 2000 and DTS Package Compare/Mover that also are viable options.

    -Mike Gercevich

  • After you saved on the .bas file VB file. what do i need to do to imported in another server ?

    Pedro R. Lopez[/url]

  • You create a new project with that bas file.  Add references to these three libraries:

    Microsoft DTS Custom Tasks Object Library

    Microsoft DTSDataPump Scripting Object Library

    Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library

    You should then be able to run the dts package (sub Main should be in your .bas file).

  • Why not just use a tool called DTS Backup??

    For more info check...

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