Send Mail on Failure issue

  • Hey guy, new to the forum so a big Hello from me!

    I have and issue at the moment that I am struggling to overcome.  I Have a DTS set with multiple copy SQL Server Objects steps involved.  I also have a step which sends a failure email. So I have it set that if the step fails, the failure message is generated, using the Workflow On Failure option. Is there a way that i can in the email message have the name of the step that is failing?!  I'm assuming that this could be a global variable if there is such a way.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks Craig

    Best Regards,

    Craig Mew

    Live the F**king Dream!!

  • Yes, you can send an email using GlobalVariable.

    1. Create a GlobalVariable "StepName".
    2. Set DTSGlobalVariables("StepName").Value="Step1" or something representing the step in the ActiveXScript task.
    3. Create a Conncetion. This is required for send mail using Execute SQL Task.
    4. Create an Execute SQL Task with the following script:

    DECLARE @MSG varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @Subject varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @sRecipients varchar(1000)

    select @MSG = 'Dear User,' + char(13) + char(13) + 'You have an error in the step [' + ? + ']. Do not respond to this email as it is auto-generated.' + CHAR(13)

    select @Subject = 'Package Error Report'

    select @sRecipients = 'Your email address'

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail

     @recipients = @sRecipients

     ,@message = @MSG

     ,@subject = @Subject

    Now you need to set the GlobalVariable to pass into the script.

    • Right-click on white space inside your DTS package.

    • Select Disconnectd Edit...

    • Expand Tasks.

    • Select the name of the Execute SQL Task. Do not expand but just click on the name.

    • Double-click on the InputGlobalVariableNames under the Property Name in the right pane.

    • Edit Property menu comes up.

    • Type is string, and the Value is "StepName". Then click OK.

    • Close Edit Property menu.

    Then connect the ActiveXScript task and the Execute SQL Task using Workfliow [On Failure].

  • Apologies Terry as I am new to all of this, how or where can I create a global variable?!

    Thanks in advance


    Best Regards,

    Craig Mew

    Live the F**king Dream!!

  • Terry, you are a legend (not in the old sense as i dont know you )


    Thanks Craig

    Best Regards,

    Craig Mew

    Live the F**king Dream!!

  • Terry many thanks as i almost have this working now.  I am struggling to get the StepName to appear in the following line:


    select @MSG = 'Dear User,' + char(13) + char(13) + 'You have an error in the step [' + ? + ']. Do not respond to this email as it is auto-generated.' + CHAR(13)

    Can you help!? I'm presuming I need to replace the '?' with a string!??!




    Best Regards,

    Craig Mew

    Live the F**king Dream!!

  • No, you do not replace the string but global variable will be replaced automatically. Follow the instruction below but I added this already in the previous mail.

    Now you need to set the GlobalVariable to pass into the script.

    • Right-click on white space inside your DTS package. - Just right-click anywhere inside the package not on any component.

    • Select Disconnectd Edit...

    • Expand Tasks.

    • Select the name of the Execute SQL Task. Do not expand but just click on the name.

    • Double-click on the InputGlobalVariableNames under the Property Name in the right pane.

    • Edit Property menu comes up.

    • Type is string, and the Value is "StepName". Then click OK. (You need to enter double quote as well.)

    • Close Edit Property menu.

  • Yea i have originally done this Terry, thought there was something else i might have missed.  No problems i will persevere with it and attempt to sort.


    Many Thanks again for all your help.



    Best Regards,

    Craig Mew

    Live the F**king Dream!!

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