Check constraint

  • How do I create a check constraint or restriction on an existing table with data.

    I have a table testDate (Col1 DATETIME, Col2 DATETIME), I want to insert only the data where Col1 is greater than Col2.

    insert into testDate (Col1, Col2) values ('01/01/2000', '12/31/1999') -- Fine.

    insert into testDate (Col1, Col2) values ('01/01/2000', '01/02/2000') -- Should fail


  • alter table testdate with check

    add constraint datecheck check (col1 > col2)



  • Got the following error,

    Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with TABLE CHECK constraint 'datacheck'.

  • I forgot to ask if there is already data in the table that violates the check constraint.  If there is, you'll either need to clean it up before adding the constraint or add the constraint with 'nocheck'.  In the latter case, the constraint will be created and will only check data added to the table after the constraint is enabled.



  • Is there a corresponding way to do this same example using SSMS?


    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • Yep.  Expand the table in Object Explorer, right-click Constraints, choose New Constraint.  Fill in the expression, designate the column, etc., save the constraint.



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