allocated inventory

  • I am lloking to program my access database to use allocated inventory. This is the following situation;


    When my parts department is quoting out items to a customer and makes a sales order, or an invoice, the inventory does not come out until my boss posts it.


    So i am looking to make it so that when they do a sales order, it places the items into allocated inventory, so the parts department knows what their true inventory levels are.  Then after the invoice is posted the items will be totally removed from inventory.


    Any suggestions?



  • You will need to add a field to the "inventory item" table to hold the primary key of the "sales order item" table. When an inventory item is placed on a sales order, write the sales order item key into the new field on the first inventory item record with a null in that field - thus marking the item in invetory as "held". Your inventory reports/screens would then need to be modified to take this into account when calculating current inventory values i.e. "if there is a value in this field - don't count it in available inventory" etc. You will also need to write some code to "back out" or reset the inventory item record if the item is removed from the sales order, or the sales order is deleted.

    There is a lot of other loose ends you would need to look at to make the system bullet proof and such things as whether you want to use FIFO in you inventory, if you need to be able to add "back-ordered" items to a sales order etc.

  • i appriciate the feedback! 

    i'll give it a shot.



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