Yaay W00t!

  • Got an early christmas pressie this year at work - my first production Billion Record Table!


    (just felt I had to share )



  • So... do we congratulate or send our condoleanses..?


  • Its nearly 130Gb so, I think condolences will be required shortly...

  • Sorry to burst your excitement - but you GOTTA do better than that - I have Several of these

    So how is performance for you?

  • 'salright. 

    Putting a gig and a half a day into this table at the mo, 4 months into what looks awfully like exponential growth.

  • Grats on hitting that mark - Just interested , is this a data warehouse database as opposed to an OLTP one ?

    ** What you see, Depends on what you Thought, Before, You looked! **

  • time to start archiving then.................

  • Yes, condolences will be required...sooner or later...

    I have two of them each 250+GB but they are not even 100 million...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Condolences are definintely on the menu. We get 100 million new records per day (fairly narrow records, thankfully) in one of our tables, and I don't really wish that on anyone.

  • oltp it is - also quite narrow.  On the positive side there are several data streams into it that can be turned off if required - gives us a nice heads up on those horrible loadbecomingaproblem days!



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