• Has support for UPSERT (UPDATE if there, INSERT if not) been dropped from SQL 2005? Or is it just totally undocumented?

  • I believe it's a feature that has been requested for a while... last time I checked, it was still only a suggestion that might be looked at for the next version of SQL Server.

  • What with Try...Catch you could just insert and - if you get an error (never mind which one) - issue an update.

  • Thanks but the reason why I wanted to use UPSERT is to avoid duplication of logic in both INSERT & UPDATE statements....

  • I believe this is a PL/SQL feature that never made it to SQL Server (any version).


  • As a good friend once said "if it isn't painful, it's not worth it." 

  • Haha! What you do in your spare time is up to you!!

    I'll go back to duplicating logic with dire warnings in the comments about making any changes in both statements...

  • The upsert functionality is available, just not using that term.  Take a look at using Intersect and Except to make it happen.

  • Cool! Thanks for that. It doesnt really solve the problem I have but nevermind. I am also not clear as to the benefit of EXCEPT/INTERSECT as opposed to the following construct:

    (select rows in t1 that aren't in t2)




    Table1 T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 t2

    ON T1.Column1 = t2.Column2


    t2.Column2 IS NULL

    I'm not sure how EXCEPT/Intersect are any different from inner join/outer joins used like this?

  • "Upsert" exists in 2005.

    The command is called MERGE.

    Here's an example from one of my favorite books on developing with MSSQL 2K5 - Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for Developers, by the Microsoft Press:

    MERGE INTO MyTable

        USING MyTempTable

            ON MyTempTable.MatchingField1 = MyTable.MatchingField1


        UPDATE UpdateField1 = MyTempTable.UpdateField1


        INSERT VALUES(MyTempTable.MatchingField1, MyTempTable.UpdateField1)

    The command existed at the time of publishing of that book. It's possible it was removed, but I doubt that.

  • Hm, I can't make SQL accept that syntax. MERGE INTO is not in BOL (local or on line), so UPSERT/MERGE INTO seems to have been quietly dropped from the release version.

    Will joyfully eat own words if someone can post some T-SQL which I can run

  • That's unfortunate.

    There are a few places I could have replaced some slightly less graceful code with that.

    The example did say "pseudosyntactical," so there's no guarantee that that's actually the way it is formed, if it is in fact still in the product.

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