Preventing a SP from halting on error

  • I am cycling through my 45 plus linked servers testing for successful connection. Everything works fine until I can not connect to one. This causes the below code to halt. I need to make note of the lack of connection as detailed in the code, but continue to cycle through the remaining linked servers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    @sql varchar(2500),

    @fqinstancename varchar(150),

    @sqlid int

    create table #temp(

    [output] varchar(2500))

    select @sqlid = (select top 1 A.SQL_ID from MASTER_SQL A, MASTER_SERVER B

      where A.SERVER_ID = B.SERVER_ID and B.MSDTC_FIX =1 and A.IS_ACTIVE = 1

      and A.SERVICE_CHECK = 1 and A.CONNECT_CHECK is null order by A.SQL_ID)

    while @sqlid <= (select top 1 A.SQL_ID from MASTER_SQL A, MASTER_SERVER B

      where A.SERVER_ID = B.SERVER_ID and B.MSDTC_FIX =1 and A.IS_ACTIVE = 1

      and A.SERVICE_CHECK = 1 and A.CONNECT_CHECK is null order by A.SQL_ID desc)


     select @fqinstancename = (select FQ_INSTANCE_NAME from MASTER_SQL where SQL_ID = @sqlid)

     select @sql = 'select [name] as [output] from [' + @fqinstancename + '].master.dbo.sysdatabases where [name] = ''master'''

    print @fqinstancename

     insert #temp

     exec (@sql)

     if (select [output] from #temp) = 'master'


      update MASTER_SQL set CONNECT_CHECK = 1 where SQL_ID = @sqlid





      select @sqlid, getdate(), 'The SQL Instance ' + @fqinstancename + ' could not be queried. ' +

      'it has been excluded from the scan on ' + convert (varchar(50),getdate()) + '. The error was ' + (select [output] from #temp) +

      ' Please determine the reason for the failed connection. It will be checked again on the next scan.'

      update MASTER_SQL set CONNECT_CHECK = 0 where SQL_ID = @sqlid


     truncate table #temp

     select @sqlid = (select top 1 A.SQL_ID from MASTER_SQL A, MASTER_SERVER B

      where A.SERVER_ID = B.SERVER_ID and B.MSDTC_FIX =1 and A.IS_ACTIVE = 1

      and A.SERVICE_CHECK = 1 and A.CONNECT_CHECK is null order by A.SQL_ID)


    drop table #temp

    Cody Pack
    MCSE Windows 2000
    MCDBA SQL Server 2000

  • I just tried this too, didn't work.


     select @fqinstancename = (select FQ_INSTANCE_NAME from MASTER_SQL where SQL_ID = @sqlid)

     select @sql = 'select [name] as [output] from [' + @fqinstancename + '].master.dbo.sysdatabases where [name] = ''master'''

     exec (@sql)


     if @@error <> 0



      select @sqlid, getdate(), 'The SQL Instance ' + @fqinstancename + ' could not be queried. ' +

      'it has been excluded from the scan on ' + convert (varchar(50),getdate()) +

      '. Please determine the reason for the failed connection. It will be checked again on the next scan.'

      update MASTER_SQL set CONNECT_CHECK = 0 where SQL_ID = @sqlid




      update MASTER_SQL set CONNECT_CHECK = 1 where SQL_ID = @sqlid


     truncate table #temp

     select @sqlid = (select top 1 A.SQL_ID from MASTER_SQL A, MASTER_SERVER B

      where A.SERVER_ID = B.SERVER_ID and B.MSDTC_FIX =1 and A.IS_ACTIVE = 1

      and A.SERVICE_CHECK = 1 and A.CONNECT_CHECK is null order by A.SQL_ID)


    Cody Pack
    MCSE Windows 2000
    MCDBA SQL Server 2000

  • push come to shove I just realized that I can call xp_cmdshell and open a osql connection and dump the selection results to a temp table. Is there a more streamlined way to do this?

    Cody Pack
    MCSE Windows 2000
    MCDBA SQL Server 2000

  • That doesnt work either. It still halts. I am running out of ideas. help


    Cody Pack
    MCSE Windows 2000
    MCDBA SQL Server 2000

  • DOH!!!! yes it does, it just took a little longer for osql to return a connection error that I tought it would. At least If ound a way to do what i wanted. excuse my ramblings.......

    Cody Pack
    MCSE Windows 2000
    MCDBA SQL Server 2000

  • Take a look at Erland Sommarskog's home page where he has 2 exhaustive article on error handling.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • My approach to that is to use a Job but some others prefer DMO have alook at this thread for a DMO example 


    * Noel

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