Finding Current Task/Step name

  • Hi,

    I wish to find out name of current  step or task name.  Similar to what getting PACKAGE's name (




  • If you are not executing multiple steps at the same time... your precedence properties are defined that there is a single path through the package.  You can look at the Step collection and current state of the ExecutionStatus property.  The Step object that has a value of '2' (DTSStepExecStat_InProgress) is the currently executing step... Then

  • Hi,

    Yes, I can do that as a work around, but what I am looking for is some kind of PROPERTY which gives me the DESCRIPTION or NAME of STEP which is currently executing.

    Just like any other Object Oriented language or package, where one can use ME or THIS to get the name of the current object (Just of make life simpler )else have to loop as it was suggested above.


  • Since all tasks are derived from a Interface, the interface and assigned a type property to define the task reference.  There is no Me or This because it would be a reference to an interface not an object, probably _iUnknown.

    Your next question, I'm pretty sure will be, why not make it an object reference... Well, because you would lose a lot of flexibility in creating your own Custom Tasks and exposing methods and properties that are so generic in nature that it would be a useless and slow architecture.

    This may be clearer if you browse the object model hierarchy with Object Browser.

    DTS is all about speed and connect ability... Microsoft did it this way to make it a better product, the drawback is that it makes a programmers life more difficult (but far from impossible).

    -Mike Gercevich

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