diff between a function and a stored proc with a recompile option

  • Dear All

    i would like to know what is the difference between a "Function" and a "Stored Procedures with recompile option". are they both same?


    Thanks & regards


  • functions can be used in queries to return a value based on some parameter orwithout parameter

    but we cannot use stored procedures in queris

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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • hey sukhoi

    thanx for the reply. apart from that reason there is no difference in "functions" and "stored proc with recompile option"?



  • Hi,

    A couple of other differences:

    Functions can't alter the state of the database, only retrieve data or perform calculations.

    Procedures can, i.e. update, inserts and deletes are allowed.

    Functions can be used as part of a select statement - procedures can't.



  • Another nifty difference between Fn and SP  is table variables. You can't pass table variables into stored procs - *darnit* - but you *can* call a function that returns a table variable. . .



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