Require data to read from Excel file and stores in SQL Server through DTS

  • Hi,

    New to DTS and dont know how to solve this ... Looking for approach how to approach this.

    I have Excel file having 3 dimensional data with multible worksheets.


    1. Worksheet1




    2. Worksheet2




    After reading EXCEL it should store in SQL Server in a table in this format

    CREATE TABLE ExcelData (

    CustID VARCHAR(12),

    SetsDesc VARACHAR(25)

    SetsValue INT )










    Thanking in advance for the solution

  • Right click dts packages/new packages...

    create a connection to excel file...and SQL server where you want to dump the data from excel...

    Make three transformations





    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • I have just played around a bit with importing Excel data.

    The essential bit on the SQL Server side of things is this piece of code:

    select * from openrowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=c:\tmp\Book1.xls',test)

    But be ready for some surpises.

    1. Thus 'test' refers to a named range (in Excel Insert/Name/Define). Can't seem to reference sheets.

    2. The first row is always used to get the column names. You can't seem get around that. In your problem, the first row is essential and I don't know of a way to get at the column names returned by openrowset. Thus you'll have to insert a blank row.

    3. There seems to be no way to find out how many sheets you have. Thus you would need to create another sheet pointed to by a range which contains the named ranges for all the other sheets.

    4. Although not a problem in your case, I have found some strange NULLs appear when a column contains numeric data mixed with non-numeric data.

    5. It is hard to render this dynamic based on the number of columns.

    All this could be handled by VBA code run on the Excel workbook before importing. But this needs to be automated.

    Thus I'm very disappointed by this openrowset feature specific to Excel.

    DTS seems a little better because it can handle worksheets in addition to named ranges. But it too suffers from using the first row as column names.

    My suggestions is that you script this which would require the presence of Excel. This would give you the flexibility of an arbitrary number of worksheets and an arbitrary number of columns.

    Below you'll need to modify the 3 string constants. Then you can run it via: cscript myscript.vbs

    You may:

    1. want to add some additional error checking

    2. delete the contents of the destination table: objConn.Execute "delete from " & strTable

    The rest is up to you.


    Option Explicit

    On Error Resume Next

    Const strExcelFile = "c:\tmp\book1.xls"

    Const strConn = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DSN=;DATABASE=mydatabase;UID=myuid;PWD=mypwd"

    Const strTable = "t"

    Dim objExcelApp

    Dim objExcelBook

    Dim objExcelSheet

    Dim intSheet

    Dim intSheets

    Dim objConn

    Dim strCols(256)

    Dim intRow

    Dim intCol

    ' start Excel

    Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    ' open workbook file

    Set objExcelBook = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(strExcelFile, , False)

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Abort

    ' connect to database

    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    objConn.Open strConn

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then Abort

    ' loop through worksheets

    intSheets = objExcelBook.Sheets.Count

    For intSheet = 1 to intSheets

      WScript.Echo "Processing sheet " & CStr(intSheet) & " of " & CStr(intSheets)

      Set objExcelSheet = objExcelBook.Sheets(intSheet)

      ' get identifiers from first row

      For intCol = 2 to objExcelSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

        strCols(intCol) = objExcelSheet.Cells(1,intCol).Value


      ' loop through remaining rows

      For intRow = 2 To objExcelSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

        For intCol = 2 to objExcelSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

          If Len(objExcelSheet.Cells(intRow,intCol).Value) > 0 Then

            objConn.Execute "insert into " & strTable & " values('" & objExcelSheet.Cells(intRow,1).Value & "','" & strCols(intCol) & "'," & objExcelSheet.Cells(intRow,intCol).Value & ")"

          End If



      If Err.Number <> 0 Then Abort



    WScript.Echo "Done"

    Sub CloseDown()


    Set objExcelBook = Nothing


    Set objExcelApp = Nothing


    Set objConn = Nothing

    End Sub

    Sub Abort()

    WScript.Echo CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description


    WScript.Quit 1

    End Sub

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