Don''t include the time of datetime??

  • Hi all,

    I have the following query which brings back all cases equal to a certain date and time.  I want the query to bring back all cases on that date but at any time.  I've tried using 'like' without the time part but can't seem to get the right results.  Any ideas?

    SELECT DCApr.CaseFullRef, DCCntHst.ContDesc, DCCntHst.SentDate

    FROM DCACTNSL INNER JOIN DCCntHst ON DCACTNSL.LookupKey = DCCntHst.[Action] INNER JOIN DCApr ON DCCntHst.SystemKey = DCApr.SystemKey

    WHERE (DCCntHst.SentDate < '2004-02-12') AND (DCACTNSL.Code LIKE '%Doc%') AND (DCCntHst.SentDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-10-24 00:00:00', 102))

    ORDER BY DCCntHst.SentDate

    (The problem area is in red)



  • Try using something like between. Here's something that may help:

    Declare @dt1 datetime, @dt2 datetime

    Set @dt1 = '2003-10-24'

    Set @dt2 = dateadd(day,1, @dt1)

    then use something like:

    AND DCCntHst.SentDate between @dt1 and @dt2


    I'm sure there is a much better way (and someone here will probably post a much better idea), but this should get you started.

    BTW. I used the two @dt variables instead of doing something like 'between @dt1 and dateadd(day,1, @dt1)' because SQL Server will better utilize indexes if you have a Between statement with actual numbers (or variables) rather than using dateadd in the between statement. This is because SQL Server has to evaluate each row to see if it fits the dateadd criteria in the latter example, instead of utilizing an index, etc.

  • Use the between operator. You want all values between '2003-10-24 00:00:00' and '2003-10-25 00:00:00', meaning everything that took place that day until midnight. If you are passing in a variable, such as @date_I_want_to_use, then use

    between @date_I_want_to_use and @date_I_want_to_use + 1

  • You can also do something like :

    (CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DCCntHst.SentDate,120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @paramdatetime, 120))

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • The between operator is inclusive so you do not want to use it in this case.  You would need to do something like:

    where... col_date >= @date and < @date + 1

    Of couse your best answer is within this article by Frank Kalis:


  • Yes, since the date comparison that you are doing is for equals between the dates the above solution should do it.


    (LEFT(DCCntHst.SentDate),11) = LEFT(CONVERT(DATETIME,@paramdatetime),11))


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Here's an example from the Frank Kalis article mentioned aboved.  For a full discussion on working with sql server dates please read the article.



    , OrderDate




    OrderDate >= '19960704'


    OrderDate < '19960705'

    This will return all rows where the OrderDate is sometime on July 4, 1996.


  • Another example from the Frank Kalis article.  How to strip the time from the date (replace Getdate() with any datetime value):




    2005-03-23 00:00:00.000

    For full explanation read the article found at:


  • Thanks everyone, I will try a few of these.  I have tried the >= and <= solution but it still only brought back one time.  I'll keep trying though.

  • have you tried

    select CONVERT(DATETIME,DCCntHst.SentDate,102), CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-10-24 00:00:00', 102), *


    (CONVERT(DATETIME,DCCntHst.SentDate,102) = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-10-24 00:00:00', 102))

  • Bersileus, it is not a good idea to convert the column before comparing it. This means that no index can be used to find the rows that match the where clause, so a full scan will be needed. Where clauses, as well as join ON clauses, should always be SARGable, which means they should conform to the following 'formula':

    column operator expression

    (They can of course also be expression operator column)

    Your example uses the form expression operator expression, which means the argument is not sargable and therefore will require a full scan.

  • thanks cris, i had to look-up the word SARGable if it really existed

    The term "sargable" (which is in effect a made-up word) comes from the pseudo-acronym "SARG", which stands for "Search ARGument"

    good point, thanks

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