Export query with count and getdate()

  • I have a table that lists current logins in an application.

    I have queried to get the current count with:


    SELECT     COUNT(*) AS #CurrentLogins

    FROM         Workstation

    WHERE     (LogoutTime IS NULL)


    What I would like to do is set up a recurring job to run this query and append to a new table with a getdate() timestamp included.

    Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

    Any help would definitely be appreciated.



  • Create a table like UsersHistory

    DateHistory smalldatetime not null default (getDate())

    Total int not null


    The query to insert the data :

    Insert into dbo.UsersHistory (Total)

    SELECT     COUNT(*) AS Total

    FROM        dbo.Workstation

    WHERE     LogoutTime IS NULL



    Then set up a job that runs this statement.  You can scedule it to run like any task in windows (monthly, daily, weekly...) just look around and I'm sure you'll figure it out.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I have the query which does exactly what I want.

    It gives a current total.

    Really, all I want to do is populate a new table or new CSV with this number (appended list) every 10 minutes.

    But I would like to include a 2nd column in the new table or CSV file with the date/time.

  • That what this is for :

    Create a table like UsersHistory

    DateHistory smalldatetime not null default (getDate())

    Then the job fills a table with the data you want. Now if you want to export it to excel or whatever it's another issue all together. Look into dts and you'll find what you need.

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