How to run dts package in other server

  • Hi,

    I am currently doing a program in VB6 that will run a dts package. I have this code below testing in my local sql and it is working fine. But when I try connecting to other server by simply changing the server name, the dts package did not execute. Please help how to code running dts package in other server because I will deploy this to several users. Thanks so much in advance.

    Dim oPkg As DTS.Package, oStep As DTS.Step

    Set oPkg = New DTS.Package

    Dim strUsername As String, strPassword As String

    Dim strPkg As String, strServer As String

    strServer = "localhost"

    strUsername = "fduser"

    strPassword = "fduser"

    strPkg = "dtstmpFDimp"

    oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer strServer, strUsername, strPassword, _

       DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , strPkg



    Set oPkg = Nothing

  • Hi.. I already figure out what went wrong. My code is fine but I just got a problem with the source of my dts package. It is already resolved.

    But my problem now is sometimes, in the oPkg.excute part, my program turns to not responding. Maybe I thnik its the connection.

    Is there anyway I can handle this? Thanks in advance.

  • I assume the package will execute fine when done manually.  Maybe you already doing this, but you may want to loop through each step of the package and return a result status. See if this reveals anything.

    For Each oStep in oPkg.Steps

       If oStep.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then 

          sRetMsg = sRetMsg & oPkg.Tasks(oStep.TaskName).Description 

       End If


    I am calling this code from memory, so please pardon the syntax, but you get the idea.



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