DTS, Excel Template and formats.

  • I use SQL2K & DTS to export to Excel (2003) daily. Using scripting I first open an excel template (Report.xlt) and copy/rename (Report_20060621.xls). The template is already formated, and empty so I do not have to drop/add tables. The template also has multiple named-ranges to export data to.

    The problem is keeping the formating. Saving the template with specific columns decimal (.00), percent (%) and font size does NOT persist to the copy. I've had to write macro's so when opening, the formating is put back. I want to get away from the macros.

    Is there a way to 'lock' the cell-formats of the template and copy? Does it get lost in the copy, or when the transformation task populates?






  • Randy,

    I had the same situation and started to use a complicated procedure paste special etc etc. After some thought I found a much more efficient and faster method.


    Part of the code:

    Dim varmen As Variant

    Dim varrec As Variant

    Dim I, J, lrows, lcols As Long

    CommandText = "SELECT * from data  "

        rsf.Open CommandText, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly

        varrec = rsf.GetRows 'Populate array with the data



    lrows = UBound(varrec, 2) 'Number of rows

    lcols = UBound(varrec, 1) 'Number of columns

    ReDim varmen(lrows, lcols)

    For I = 0 To lrows

    For J = 0 To lcols

    varmen(I, J) = varrec(J, I) 'Transform

    Next J

    Next I


    Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lrows, lcols)).Value = varmen 'Paste values only

    The nice thing is that there is no slow looping in Excel.

    Hope this can be usefull

    Gosta Munktell




  • Gosta;

    Are you saying you use the Excel automation object in an ActiveX task to populate the ranges from code, rather the data transform task itself?






  • Randy,

    My example is originally written in VB6 so there is a

    Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    so the answer is yes.

    But it should be possible to write it as an

     Visual Basic ActiveX Script  task.

    Ther is an example Owerwriting Data in an Excelsheet.






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