Cross Table with dynamic columns

  • I got to change result of one SQL Command like the follow example:

    before ...

    ID year type amt


    7 1999 Mb 23

    8 1999 Ca 44

    9 1999 Si 55

    10 2000 Mb 66

    11 2000 Ca 77

    12 2000 Si 88

    13 1999 Mb 11


    year Mb Ca Si RowTotal

    ---- -- -- -- ---------

    1999 34 44 55 133

    2000 66 77 88 231

    To do that, I used the SQL command bellow :

    SELECT Pivot_Data.*,

    (Pivot_Data.[1] + Pivot_Data.[2] + Pivot_Data.[3]) AS RowTotal

    FROM (SELECT [year],

    SUM(CASE [type] WHEN 'MB' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [Mb],

    SUM(CASE [type] WHEN 'Ca' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [Ca],

    SUM(CASE [type] WHEN 'Si' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [Si]

    FROM (select * from zzjunk) AS Base_Data

    GROUP BY [year]) AS Pivot_Data


    My problem is what I dont have just 3 collumns Mb, CA and Si. The number of collumns depends of another table called ELEMENTS, and tomorrow I can have in this table new elements like ST, VN, etc.

    What is the best way to solve this problem?

    Thanks since now.

    Alex Sandro


  • Use dynamic SQL to build a string based on the other table, then exec() it.

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