Using .NET to write to SQL2005 XML fields

  • What is the best way of writing XML into a SQL2005 XML field from a .NET app.

    At present I am simply passing a string via Enterprise Library 2006 and under the hood it seems to work.

    When I try and write an XML document larger than 8000 characters in the SQL Management Studio it truncates (as did the old SQL Query Analyser). I don't know if this is a feature of the management studio or a problem I will encounter in the real world.

    I would appreciate any advice on this. matter

  • Sounds like you're running into the varchar size limit. Try writing the xml to a text blob and have the .net app fetch it from there.

  • Thanks but in the proc I my paramter is an XML type writing to a field of an XML type.

    When I am declaring the SqlParameter in .NET what type should I use?

  • Have you considered the varchar(MAX) datatype.  This is certainly capable of storing more than 8000 characters




    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

  • Have you tried loading up a SqlTypes.SqlXml variable with your document and passing that as a parameter to a stored procedure? 

    The procedure:


    PROC dbo.MySampleXMLProc(










    Note: I haven't tried pushing this past 8000 characters, I'd like to hear of this works for you.
    'VB.Net 2005
    'gin up an xml string. not necessary if you have an xml file
    Dim x As String = "<x><data>lalala</data><data>lalala</data></data></x>"
    Dim sr As System.IO.StringReader = New System.IO.StringReader(x)

    'XML, SQLXML and Command objects for the insert

    Dim xtr As System.Xml.XmlTextReader

    Dim ParamXML As SqlTypes.SqlXmlDim MyCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand


    'Load up the text into a SqlXml object xtr = New System.Xml.XmlTextReader(sr)

    ParamXML =

    New SqlTypes.SqlXml(xtr)


    '...and stuff it into the command MyCommand.CommandText = "dbo.MySampleXMLProc" MyCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@XMLToInsert", ParamXML) '...then fire the command MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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