Combine like rows problem

  • I am working with an existing SP that I need to tweak a little. My problem is I am fairly new to SQL.


    Here is the code I'm working with:

    ALTER  PROCEDURE cons_ln_runoff_2_sp


    SELECT  right(B.loan_type, 2) as ln_type,



          sum(B.ln_Orig_Amt) as orig_amt,


      sum(trans_activity.tx_Prin_Paid) as principal_paid,

          count(B.loan_type) as nbr_loans,



    FROM   loan B INNER JOIN

          ln_type C ON B.Loan_Type = C.Loan_Type INNER JOIN

          trans_activity ON

          B.ln_Last_Trans_Date = trans_activity.Trans_Date AND

          B.Loan_Nbr = trans_activity.Acct_Nbr AND

          B.Member_Nbr = trans_activity.Member_Nbr

          Inner Join Acct_ln_group_tbl

          on B.loan_type = acct_ln_group_tbl.loan_type

    WHERE  (B.ln_Closed = 'Y')

    Group by B.loan_type,B.ln_Type_Input_Code, C.lntyp_desc, B.ln_close_date, acct_ln_group_tbl.[Group], b.asof_date

    This creates a report that has a list of transactions by Member number and loan number the problem arises that I have multiple transactions for different amounts that I need to sum up on one member number. So, the rows are technically distinct but I need to only report the multiple transactions as one with the amount total for all the transactions.


    Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated..






  • Is your goal to have a record like the following?

    member_nbr, #loans, sum_of_orig_amt

    Do you need the rest of the fields?


  • I do need all of the columns in the group statement. I just need one row entry for each of the same member numbers where  loan type is the same with the principle paid summed. Some as of dates I will have up to four seperate transactions on the same loan with different amounts. When we attempt to get a count of closed loans during a time range the count is off by the multiple transactions but the payments are in balance.

  • You can probably get around it by doing "count(distinct B.Loan_Nbr)" instead of "count(B.loan_type)"

    Does this help?

    Rob Farley
    LobsterPot Solutions & Adelaide SQL Server User Group

  • That is getting me closer. I do need to keep the loan type as is because that is what we use for the report. We list all the loans by type that have closed during the date range. That waty we can balance the principle paid to loan type. What I am doing is adding a line for distinct loan numbers that I can group with the loan type and report both numbers to accounting. It all depends on how Crystal Reports reacts when I start updating the T-SQL on it.


    Thank you for your help



  • Well that actually isn't going to work... I think what I need is some kind of IF THEN statement where member number is the same and loan type is the same then return 1 row with the principle sum. Is there any way to get that logic to work in a SP?

  • > I do need to keep the loan type as is because that is what we use for the report.

    Yes, but if you want count how many loans there are in that category, then you want count(distinct b.loan_nbr). This doesn't mean you need to group on loan_nbr at all - in fact, if you do, you'll always get '1' in that field.

    "count(B.loan_type) as nbr_loans" will always give you then number of records that have a loan_type... which doesn't describe the number of loans at all "count(distinct B.loan_nbr) as nbr_loans".

    If this doesn't give you what you're after, can you please try posting some of results of an ungrouped (and thus, unaggregated) query. Then describe what aggregates you're looking for, and we can look to introduce the appopriate ones.

    You can talk to my on MSN Msgr if you want... rob_farley at hotmail.


    Rob Farley
    LobsterPot Solutions & Adelaide SQL Server User Group

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