Hi... another question to raise.
I have below piece of code in my program. I am opening a procedure with cnnNSI connection.
Then while looping thru the recordset, I need to update tempVN_NSICorpFile table with the same connection. I am encountering an error 'transaction cannot have multiple recordset'.
rstNSICorpFile.Open mProcName7, cnnNSI, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic, adCmdStoredProc
Do While Not rstNSICorpFile.EOF
If rstNSICorpFile!exp_port = 8442 Then
cnnNSI.execute ("UPDATE tempVN_NSICorpFile SET [tempVN_NSICorpFile].ctry_code = 'VN1'")
so on.....
How will I handle this. Thanks in advance.