Sub query check??

  • SELECT     CategoryID, CategoryName,

                          (SELECT     COUNT(*)

                                FROM         Categories

                                WHERE      ParentID = c.CategoryID) AS NoOfSub

     FROM         Categories c

     WHERE     (ParentID = @CategoryID)

    I want to modify the above query so as not to return an extra field ("NoOfSub") but to check if the NoOfSub > 0 then CategoryName + 'there is subs" else just the CategoryName.

    I have tried using the Case but it is giving me syntax error near comparison (> 0).  Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • SELECT CategoryID,

      CategoryName + Case IsNull(dtSubs.NoOfSub, 0) When 0 Then '' Else ' there are subs' End            

    FROM Categories c



      SELECT ParentID, COUNT(*) AS NoOfSub

      FROM   Categories

      GROUP BY ParentID

    ) dtSubs

    ON (dtSubs.ParentID = c.CategoryID)

    WHERE     (c.ParentID = @CategoryID)

  • Thanks a lot PW.  Works perfectly.

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