import xls data to tables

  • Hi,

    I want to import excel sheet data to my table.

    My scenerio is

    Data to one table  comes from multiple excel sheet (xls).

    For example Table Personal will fetch data from name_age.xls and Location.xls

    Table Personal

    id | Name | Age | Location

    Now name and age comes from name_age.xls and location comes from Location.xls.

    My idea is to import data to some logical table and then import it in relevent table.Is this the way to do this?If not What will be the best approch for doing this.

    I want this to be done through Stored procedure, to be done programatically.

    Can any one give me an sample code for doing this task.





    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • This sounds like a job for DTS.

    You could import into two staging tables and then insert the combined data into the final result.

    The DTS package can be executed from within a stored procedure using xp_cmdshell.

  • My vote goes with Paul, this kind of task is what DTS thrives on.

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Thanks aPaul and steve.

    I will place the same question In DTS section ion order to get some more expert advice.



    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • Thanks Paul and steve.

    I will place the same question In DTS section ion order to get some more expert advice.



    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • Also look up DTS in BOL to get an overview. It's graphical so it's reasonably easy to get to grips with.

    Basically, without going into depth, you'll need one Excel connection for each spreadsheet, then a SQL Server connection for your database, and a transform data task running from each spreadsheet into the database connection (into separate staging tables).

    Then, progressing from the SQL Server connection with an "On Success" or "On Completion" workflow, you can include an Execute SQL task to insert the data from the two tables into the final one.

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