Generating a Bar Code

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  • all i can say is.... WOW!!!

  • Nice Job

    I just wnat to point out a few things:

    - a true type font is needed to reproduce the BarCode (in this case is used Code39 wich is free)(the actual text has to be inside * signs)

    -the font should be available on the machine that wants to do the printing

    -with this font you won't be able to print EAN13 BarCodes (or other symbologies)

    -the X size of a BarCode is decided by the thikness of each bar used to reproduce the barcode ( for this font the X size is the same when you have the same no of chars for others can vary a lot) 

    - sp_makewebtask can be used

    - table variable can be used instead of temp

    Kindest Regards,


  • this is a nice procedure

    but in my sql server i can not running normal

    if any font need to install?

    draw out 2 files



    way i can not view the bar code ,

    Whom know please advise me.

    Many thanks!



  • You don't need to install any fonts. Check IE version. Those 2 files are OK. Start html file from c: drive and that's it!

  • I think it is a very good Routine.

    I have one question.

    How can i print some label with a Vertical barcode  and some text using this routine?





    |    BarCode (Horizontal)                              |

    |    N                                                       |

    |     a                                                       |

    |     m                                                      |

    |     e                              barcode(vertical)  |


    Harold Espinosa

  • im completely new to this bar code thing. i have downloaded the file on the page but im not sure what to do now? in which db should i run exeucute the .sql file and what am i supposed to do then?

    pleeeeeeeeeeease let me know as soon as possible

    thank you

  • How can we edit the binary string, so we can use this code off of our Intranet and not just C:??  I like this Font better that you are using then the free 'Free 3 of 9 Extended' that you can find on the Intranet. 

    To make a vertical barcode, here is a style..


    <STYLE TYPE="text/css">

    <!-- @font-face {font-family: Free 3 of 9 Extended;font-style:  normal;font-weight: normal;src: url(BarCode.eot);}

    .verticaltext{writing-mode: tb-rl;} { page-break-after: always; }-->





    <td class="verticaltext" nowrap ><font face="Free 3 of 9 Extended" size="5">*$%Q1%$*</font></td>


  • The whole process looks great!

    When I try to download the SQL procedures I get an empty screen saying that the search returned nothing.

    Can someone post a copy of the code39.sql in a reply?



  • Aa above, download still failed. Can some post it in reply?

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