Using sp_executesql in Scalar UDF

  • I am working in SQL Server 2000 Environment, What I need to execute a sp_executesql statement in order to fetch the records in a temporary sting , Then I manupulate the string and get the desired results .It worked fine standalone but when I execute the same line of code in user Defined i get a error Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function. I want to know is there any way to get this thing working , Due to performance issues I am unable to use cursors and Temporary tables

  • Can you provide what it is that you are trying to do with EXECUTESQL so we can try and help diagram a solution???

    Have you looked at TABLE functions?  This accept a parameter and can return recordsets thereby eliminating DYNAMIC SQL...

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • I am using this line of code in UDF , is there any alternative method to replace  sp_executesql , instead of cursors and temporary Tables



    @sql = 'select @AuthorID1 = @AuthorID1 + cast(AuthorID as varchar)+ '','' from Authors where PublicID = ' + cast(@PublicID as varchar(50)) +' order by OrderNo'


    sp_executesql @sql, N' @AuthorID1 nvarchar(100) output', @AuthorID OUTPUT



    /*After that I am Getting all the authors name in a String Like that



    If @AuthorID is not null and ltrim(rtrim(@AuthorID)) <> ''


      while charindex(',',@AuthorID) >0


    /*Here I do some Processing on data*/  



  • Hi Haris,

    Why not just use another udf to return the value, this works on the pubs database to return a list of the author id


        FROM   sysobjects

        WHERE  name = N'ConcatenateList')

     DROP FUNCTION ConcatenateList


    CREATE FUNCTION ConcatenateList

     (@state varchar(50)  )

    RETURNS varchar(4000)



     declare @x varchar(4000)

     set @x = ''

     select @x = @x + au_id  from authors where state = 'CA'

     RETURN @x

    -- eg.

    -- DECLARE @sum AS int

    -- SELECT @sum = @p1 + @P2

    -- RETURN @sum



    -- =============================================

    -- Example to execute function

    -- =============================================

    SELECT dbo.ConcatenateList



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