Select statement in Update query

  • I was trying to replace null values of the DiagnosisIDs in Inv_SchMerge table with the DiagnosisIDs by refering to the DiagnosticProcedures done for that diagnosis.

    UPDATE Inv_SchMerge

    SET SoDiagnosisID =  (

       select A.SoDiagnosisID

       from Diagnosis_DS A,DiagnosticProc_DS B





    SQL Exception:Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    Inv_SchMerge table has null values for DiagnosisIDs.

    Inv_SchMerge table has ScheduleID,PatientID,SoDiagnosisID,InvoiceID,ClinicID,DiagnosticProcID

    Diagnosis Table has:


    DiagnosticProc_DS has:


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • Your problem is that the sub query (Select statement) is returning more than one value for 1 or more DIAGNOSTICPROCIDs and SQL server is cannot decide which one to use.

    You could force it to use the first value by adding TOP 1 to your SELECT statement (or Max() etc) but you are probably better trying to run the SELECT statement seperately and trying to understand why the duplicate occur.

  • Try adding DISTINCT keyword first - SET SoDiagnosisID =  (select DISTINCT A.SoDiagnosisID ......) - maybe your query just returns the same value several times. SQLS does not check, whether the values are different or not; if you use (SELECT...) in the SET command, it simply must return only 1 value for every row.

    If that does not help, follow Daniel's advice and find out why the duplicates occur and how to get rid of them.

    HTH, Vladan

  • UPDATE c

    SET c.SoDiagnosisID =  a.SoDiagnosisID

    from inv_schmerge c

    inner join DiagnosticProc_DS b on

     b.DiagnosticProcProcID = c.Diagnosticprocid

    inner join Diagnosis_ds a on


    where c.sodiagnosisid is null

    From this example you can see that I am updating based on the alias.  This allows you to update a table used in the from clause. 

    This will be much faster than doing the sub-select.  The only issue that I see is that because you are joining on DiagnosisName, you will still have a problem unless your DiagnosisName is unique in the Diagnosis_DS table.

    You may want to add DiagnosisCategory or replace DiagnosisName with  DiagnosisID in DiagnosisProc_DS.

    If you add DiagnosisCategory the query would change to this:

    UPDATE c

    SET c.SoDiagnosisID =  a.SoDiagnosisID

    from inv_schmerge c

    inner join DiagnosticProc_DS b on

     b.DiagnosticProcProcID = c.Diagnosticprocid

    inner join Diagnosis_ds a on

     a.DiagnosisName=b.DiagnosisName and

     a.DiagnosisCategory= b.DiagnosisCategory

    where c.sodiagnosisid is null

    and your unique index would be on DiagnosisName and DiagnosisCategory on the Diagnosis_DS table.

    I hope this helps.


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