Deleting duplicate records from retrieved Dataset

  • Not sure if it went through. Please ignore if posted again..



    I have a Dataset filled with data from a stored procedure.I am using string builder and iterating through each row in data set to get the output. I am getting few duplicate records in the output data.Actually the Original tables from which this data is retrived does not have duplicate records. The code is correct in getting the output. Only a few columns are selected from the original tables. I want to retrive the data this way. But I want to delete these duplicate records. Is there any way to do this in dataset directly?. Can we call a stored procedure from any other stored procedure? I want to count the rows with Invoice number (which is unique) and delete the extra rows if the count is more than once. But how to use the Stored procedure and the query to check the count and then delete the rows. Please give some code example.

    Thanks for your time and suggestions!


  • Alice - your question makes me worry :-).

    If you are not getting the right information in the dataset in the first place, then you really need to adjust that so that you do. I would not remove rows afterward, because --

    a. It's slow (why collect rows only to discard them?)


    b. The whole idea of a dataset is that the changes you make can be posted back to the server. If you delete rows, then you are implying that you want to delete them at the server, which doesn't sound like what you really want.

    If the data is read-only and you will not be posting changes back to the database, then I would not use a dataset in the first place, but a datareader instead.

  • Thanks For your suggestion.Yes you are right I would use data as read only to generate the Excel report using string builder looping for each row.Yes I want to use data reader.But how to comapre between two rows using a data reader.I tried setting values in each row to string variables and then comparing.But it some how did not work.It would be great if you could give me few lines of code imaginning that your stored procedure will bring duplicate records.Actual table has 28 rows and the columns that we want for this report makes us feel that it is a duplicate reacord(that is true for this report),but there are other columns which make it unique in the actual Table.We are selecting Product_code,Location(USA,Asia),Invoice_Number, and few other columns.So I want a way to delete these extra records if the invoice_Number is same in this particular report.Hope Now I am clear.I have a stored Procedure which brings the data for this.So if you can suggest anything else that would be great.All that I need is an excel report generated using that stored procedure and having unique values.

    Thanks for your Time,


  • Alice -

    I thing the best method is to change (or add?) the SQL query to use SELECT DISTINCT, which will filter out duplicates.



  • Hi Merrill,
    Thanks for replying. This stored procedure retuns duplicate records with same data in all columns.So I was trying to fill the results of this stored procedure into a table and then use something like this
    select distinct * into table2 from table1
    So that it would return all the unique records.
    I want to know how to write a query to fill the table with the results of this stored procedure.
  • My Stored Procedure is given below


    CREATE PROCEDURE financeReport


     @StartDate  smalldatetime=null,

     @EndDate  smalldatetime=null






     -- Declare and Set local variables


     DECLARE @ComCode  varchar(5)

     DECLARE @CustID   varchar(15)

     DECLARE @CustName  varchar(255)

     DECLARE @ShipCity  varchar(150)

     DECLARE @Company  varchar(150)

     DECLARE @Company1  varchar(150)

     DECLARE @Company2  varchar(150)

     DECLARE @CommissionRate  float

     DECLARE @PercOfCommission varchar(10)

     DECLARE @PercOfCommission1 float

     DECLARE @PercOfCommission2 float

     DECLARE @LineTotal  float

     DECLARE @Commission  varchar(255)

     DECLARE @IVNO   nvarchar(6)

     DECLARE @IVSTATE  nvarchar(10)

     DECLARE @IVDATE   smalldatetime

     DECLARE @IDLINE   smallint

     DECLARE @IVCO   nvarchar(15)

     DECLARE @ICCUSREF  varchar(15)

     DECLARE @IDITEM   varchar(15)



     DECLARE @IDACCTNO  varchar(20)

     DECLARE @TotalCommission float

     DECLARE @point  int

     DECLARE @IVTYPE  varchar(5)

     DECLARE @IVSLCAT2 varchar(3)

     DECLARE @IVSLCATName varchar(255)

                 DECLARE @PIF_DATE smalldatetime

    CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable (

     [ComCode] [varchar] (5) NULL ,

     [CustID] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [CustName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

     [ShipCity] [varchar] (150) NULL ,

     [Company] [varchar] (150)  NULL ,

     [PercOfCommission] [float] NULL ,

     [Commission] [float] NULL ,

     [LineTotal] [float] NULL ,

     [VendorCode] [varchar] (10) NULL,

     [IVNO] [nvarchar] (6) NULL,

     [IVSTATE] [nvarchar] (10) NULL ,

     [IVDATE] [smalldatetime] NULL ,

     [IDLINE] [smallint] NULL ,

     [IVCO] [nvarchar] (15) NULL ,

     [ICCUSREF] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [IDITEM] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [IDQTYSHP] [float] NULL , 

     [IDUNTPRC] [float] NULL ,

     [IDACCTNO] [varchar] (20) NULL,

     [TotalCommission] [float] NULL,

     [IVSLCATName] [varchar] (255) NULL,

                 [PIF_DATE] [smalldatetime] NULL






     FROM CUSTOMER_POSTPRINT where  (IVC_DATE >= @StartDate  or @StartDate IS NULL) and (IVC_DATE <= @EndDate or @EndDate IS NULL)

     and COM_CODE !='N/A' and SAL_ACCTNO LIKE '%31__'

     --COM_CODE ='AR3' and CUST_ID='1862'--(IVC_DATE >= @StartDate  or @StartDate IS NULL) and (IVC_DATE <= @EndDate or @EndDate IS NULL)

     OPEN Records

     FETCH NEXT FROM Records INTO @CustID,@ComCode,@LineTotal,@ShipCity







      Select @CustName =  rtrim(CustomerName) from FS_Customer where CustomerID = rtrim(@CustID)

      Set @IVSLCATName = null

      if(@IVSLCAT2 is not NULL)


       Select @IVSLCATName =  rtrim(CustName) from OEMCustomerCodes where Code = rtrim(@IVSLCAT2)



      select @Company = rtrim(COMM_DESC),@CommissionRate=rtrim(COMM_RATE),@PercOfCommission=rtrim(SALES_ID) from COMMISSION_CODE where COMM_CODE = @ComCode and COMM_CODE !='N/A'


      Set @point =CHARINDEX('/', @Company)

      if(@point > 0)


             Set @Company1 =UPPER(LTRIM(convert(char(20),SUBSTRING(@Company,1,@point - 1))))

                    Set @Company2 =UPPER(Ltrim(Rtrim(convert(char(20),SUBSTRING(@Company,@point + 1,20   )))))

          Set @point =CHARINDEX('/', @PercOfCommission)

       if(@point > 0)


         Set @PercOfCommission1 =LTRIM(convert(float,SUBSTRING(@PercOfCommission,1,@point - 1)))

         Set @PercOfCommission2 =LTRIM(convert(float,SUBSTRING(@PercOfCommission,@point + 1,5)))



      if(@IVTYPE = 'R')


       select @LineTotal=(0-CashReceiptLocalAmount) from FS_ARCreditMemo where CashReceiptReferenceNumber = @IVNO


      SET @CommissionRate = @CommissionRate * 0.01

      if(@Company1 = @Company2)


       Set @PercOfCommission1 = @PercOfCommission1 + @PercOfCommission2

       if(@PercOfCommission1 > 0)


        Set @PercOfCommission1 = @PercOfCommission1 * 0.1



       SET @TotalCommission = @PercOfCommission1 * @CommissionRate * @LineTotal

       Insert into #MyTempTable(ComCode,CustID,CustName,ShipCity,Company,PercOfCommission,Commission,LineTotal,VendorCode,IVNO,IVSTATE,IVDATE,IDLINE,IVCO,ICCUSREF,IDITEM,IDQTYSHP,IDUNTPRC,IDACCTNO,TotalCommission,IVSLCATName,PIF_DATE)







       if(@PercOfCommission1 > 0)


        Set @PercOfCommission1 = @PercOfCommission1 * 0.1


       if(@PercOfCommission2 > 0)


        Set @PercOfCommission2 = @PercOfCommission2 * 0.1



       SET @TotalCommission = @PercOfCommission1 * @CommissionRate * @LineTotal

       Insert into #MyTempTable(ComCode,CustID,CustName,ShipCity,Company,PercOfCommission,Commission,LineTotal,VendorCode,IVNO,IVSTATE,IVDATE,IDLINE,IVCO,ICCUSREF,IDITEM,IDQTYSHP,IDUNTPRC,IDACCTNO,TotalCommission,IVSLCATName,PIF_DATE)


       SET @TotalCommission = @PercOfCommission2 * @CommissionRate * @LineTotal

       Insert into #MyTempTable(ComCode,CustID,CustName,ShipCity,Company,PercOfCommission,Commission,LineTotal,VendorCode,IVNO,IVSTATE,IVDATE,IDLINE,IVCO,ICCUSREF,IDITEM,IDQTYSHP,IDUNTPRC,IDACCTNO,TotalCommission,IVSLCATName,PIF_DATE)




      FETCH NEXT FROM Records INTO @CustID,@ComCode,@LineTotal,@ShipCity



     CLOSE Records

     DEALLOCATE Records

     select rtrim(ComCode) as ComCode,rtrim(CustID) as CustID,rtrim(CustName) as CustName,rtrim(ShipCity) as ShipCity,rtrim(Company) as Company,PercOfCommission,Commission,LineTotal,VendorCode,rtrim(IVNO) as IVNO,rtrim(IVSTATE) as IVSTATE,IVDATE,IDLINE,rtrim(IVCO) as IVCO,rtrim(ICCUSREF) as ICCUSREF,rtrim(IDITEM) as IDITEM,IDQTYSHP,IDUNTPRC,rtrim(IDACCTNO) as IDACCTNO,TotalCommission, rtrim(IVSLCATName) as IVSLCAT2, rtrim(PIF_DATE) as PIF_DATE from #MyTempTable

     order by company




  • I got the solution.But I want small modification.I want to create temporary table.When I am trying to exec the Stored Procedure for the 1st time it gave me the correct result.Next time it complains the table name already exists.So I want to modify the code to create temporary table everytime this Stored Procedure is called.How to do that?

    CREATE proc CommissionReport as

    CREATE TABLE Commission_Table1 (

     [ComCode] [varchar] (5) NULL ,

     [CustID] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [CustName] [varchar] (255) NULL ,

     [ShipCity] [varchar] (150) NULL ,

     [Company] [varchar] (150)  NULL ,

     [PercOfCommission] [float] NULL ,

     [Commission] [float] NULL ,

     [LineTotal] [float] NULL ,

     [VendorCode] [varchar] (10) NULL,

     [IVNO] [nvarchar] (6) NULL,

     [IVSTATE] [nvarchar] (10) NULL ,

     [IVDATE] [smalldatetime] NULL ,

     [IDLINE] [smallint] NULL ,

     [IVCO] [nvarchar] (15) NULL ,

     [ICCUSREF] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [IDITEM] [varchar] (15) NULL ,

     [IDQTYSHP] [float] NULL , 

     [IDUNTPRC] [float] NULL ,

     [IDACCTNO] [varchar] (20) NULL,

     [TotalCommission] [float] NULL,

     [IVSLCATName] [varchar] (255) NULL,

                 [PIF_DATE] [smalldatetime] NULL


    insert into Commission_Table1


    exec financeReport '@StartDate','@EndDate'

    select distinct * into Commission_Table2 from Commission_Table1


    select * from Commission_Table2




  • It looks like your procedure creates a regular (not a temp) table and never removes it, so it remains afterward. Temp tables start with the Pound sign (#); put a Drop command at the end of the procedure to remove your temp table.

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