TSQL to restore Database

  • I have a .bak file and I need to restore it using TSQL. I do not know what the logical files names are for the Data and Log files. I know I could use: restore FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'c:\test\test.bak' to see the logical names, but I need to know the logical names using TSQL so that I could use them in the restore TSQL which is :

    restore database TEST5 from disk = 'c:\test\test.bak'

    WITH MOVE 'logical DataFile name' TO 'c:\testdb5.mdf',

    MOVE 'logical LogFile name' TO 'c:\testdb5.ldf'

    The restore statement does require the logical names, so I need to programatically pass it to the restore statement.

    How can this be accomplished?

    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the replies but they still do not fix my problem. The restore statement above works perfectly for me as long as I know the logical names... How do I put the logical names for data and log files into variables, which I can use in the above restore statement.


  • Use restore filelistonly

  • You need to kick off any users first:

    DECLARE @dbname as VARCHAR(50)

    SET @dbname = 'YourDataBaseNameHere'

    DECLARE @strSQL varchar(255)

    PRINT 'Killing Users'

    PRINT '-----------------'

    CREATE table #tmpUsers(

    spid int,

    eid int,

    status varchar(30),

    loginname varchar(50),

    hostname varchar(50),

    blk int,

    dbname varchar(50),

    cmd varchar(30))


    DECLARE LoginCursor CURSOR


    FOR SELECT spid, dbname FROM #tmpUsers WHERE dbname = @dbname

    DECLARE @spid varchar(10)

    DECLARE @dbname2 varchar(40)

    OPEN LoginCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM LoginCursor INTO @spid, @dbname2

    WHILE (@@fetch_status -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status -2)


    PRINT 'Killing ' + @spid

    SET @strSQL = 'KILL ' + @spid

    EXEC (@strSQL)


    FETCH NEXT FROM LoginCursor INTO @spid, @dbname2


    CLOSE LoginCursor

    DEALLOCATE LoginCursor

    DROP table #tmpUsers


    Then, to restore:


    FROM DISK = 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\YourDatabase.Bak'

  • Sorry, I was pulled away and thought I was answering the question when I returned

    Can you not set a variable for the path and location and restore?

    Yup, a quick test shows that the following works:


    SET @Path = 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\MachinesLive.Bak'


    FROM DISK = @path

  • Thanks for the replies but they still do not fix my problem. The restore statement above works perfectly for me as long as I know the logical names... How do I put the logical names of the data and log files into variables, which I can use in the above restore statement. use this example for your replies... you have , c:\myDB.bak. I need a TSQL statement that will restore this DB to c:\DBs. Please note that the logical file names are unknown and we must use a 'with move'. Thanks again...



  • The following code will get you the Logical name of the Database. I believe you have sufficient info in earlier replies to use this to construct the recover query.

    Declare @Script NVARCHAR(500)

    Declare @LogicalDBName varchar(50)

    set @Script = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''C:\myDB.BAK'''

    create table #TBL (Logical varchar(50), Physical varchar (100), Type Char(1), FGroup varchar(20), FSize BIGINT, MaxSz BIGINT)

    insert into #TBL exec sp_executesql @Script

    select @LogicalDBName = Logical from #TBL Where Type = 'D'

    drop table #TBL

    print @LogicalDBName


  • Assuming you only have one data file and one log file, try the following:

    CREATE PROC RestoreDBs(

     @db_name varchar(128),

     @backup_device varchar(500),

     @new_device varchar(500))


    DECLARE @sql   varchar(100),

     @data_logical_filename varchar(500),

     @log_logical_filename varchar(500),

     @new_data_device varchar(500),

     @new_log_device  varchar(500)

    SET @new_data_device = @new_device + '.mdf'

    SET @new_log_device = @new_device + '.ldf'

    CREATE TABLE #filelist(

     logicalname nvarchar(128),

     physicalname nvarchar(260),

     type  char(1),

     filegroupname nvarchar(128),

     size  numeric(20,0),

     maxsize  numeric(20,0))

    SET @sql = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''' + @backup_device + ''''

    INSERT INTO #filelist


    SELECT @data_logical_filename = logicalname

    FROM #filelist

    WHERE type = 'D'

    SELECT @log_logical_filename = logicalname

    FROM #filelist

    WHERE type = 'L'


    FROM DISK = @backup_device

    WITH MOVE @data_logical_filename TO @new_data_device,

    MOVE @log_logical_filename TO @new_log_device



    When you call this (using your first restore example) call it like the following:

    EXEC RestoreDBs 'Test5', 'c:\test\test.bak', 'c:\testdb5'

    I haven't tested this yet but it is taken (mostly) from a process I run every night to script out database restores for all of my databases.

    Good Luck!




  • Thanks guys, now that worked for me. I appreciate all the help.

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