Package Fails but Step Succeeds

  • Hi,

    We have a package that reports failure but the step itself considers itself to have succeeded. The package is executed from an application server from VB code - no error info is returned. As you can see the package generates a general fail error but the step itself ('DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1') says it has succeeded and the text extract file is successfully produced.

    (Package runs with 4 tasks in parallel). The error is not consistent sometimes it works OK. It has also occurred on another package (again not consistent)

    Any Ideas?



    The execution of the following DTS Package failed:

    Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Error Descriptionackage failed because Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed.

    Error code: 80040428

    \Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Error Help Context ID:700

    Package Name: USD User Data Extract

    Package Description: USD User Data v3 Apptmts & Event Triggers

    Package ID: {671D379D-5B7A-401A-81C4-B4558B0DC1C3}

    Package Version: {1560AAFB-8114-48D0-896D-E285EB4520E1}

    Package Execution Lineage: {1839E967-2762-4B83-897D-0EC40D0FA600}

    Executed On: APP165

    Executed By: 60353

    Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:36

    Total Execution Time: 1.11 seconds

    Package Steps execution information:

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Total Step Execution Time: 0 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Total Step Execution Time: 0.016 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Total Step Execution Time: 0.016 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Total Step Execution Time: 0.047 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:36

    Total Step Execution Time: 1.062 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_3' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Total Step Execution Time: 0.031 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_4' succeeded

    Step Execution Started: 23/09/2004 11:16:35

    Step Execution Completed: 23/09/2004 11:16:36

    Total Step Execution Time: 1.047 seconds

    Progress count in Step: 0

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_5' was not executed

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_6' was not executed

    Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_7' was not executed


  • Quote from

    ... one drawback to using Visual Basic is that it is apartment threaded and DTS is free threaded. This can cause exception access violations. The simple way top overcome this is to ensure all steps execute on the main package thread. To do this set the ExecuteInMainThread property as illustrated below:

        ' Set Exec on Main Thread
        For Each oStep In oPKG.Steps
            oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True

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