Return output from OSQL call to variable

  • In DOS, is it possible to return the result of an OSQL call to a variable which would then be used in another call?

    eg osql /q "Select process_num from processess"

    Within Query Analyser this would return a value of say 200.

    I know you can pipe the result to an output file but I would much rather trap the output here and then use it in my next query, which may be

    osql /q "Select process_info from process_table where process_num = variable"

    thanks in advance


  • I know a way.  It ain't pretty.  ("Don't look, Ethel!!!!")

    • Create a temp table with one long VARCHAR column.
    • Create a @sql VARCHAR variable and set that string equal to the query string.  (I.e., SELECT process_info...")
    • Create a @cmd VARCHAR variable and set up your isql/osql call.  (I.e., osql /q).  I almost always use 'isql'.  Be sure to specify which server you're running against (-S), the relevant security info (-E or -U{login} -P{pwd}), and it wouldn't hurt to include -h-1, which turns off headers.  You'll need to include the @sql string, prefaced with -Q and surrounded by double-quotes.  E.g.


    SELECT @cmd = 'osql -E -Sfoo_server -dfoo_db -h-1 -Q" + @sql + '"'

    • The SET NOCOUNT ON removes some of the detritus from the output that you don't really need.
    • Run the osql command using 'xp_cmdshell' and capture the results in your temp table, i.e.

    INSERT INTO #temp1 EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    • Delete any blank or NULL rows from the table.
    • All data is returned in characters, so you may need to trim and convert the returned values.


  • Ugh

  • I forgot to mention I am making the OSQL call from a .bat or .cmd file. How do I capture the output and feed it in to another OSQL call as a variable?

  • Yer right, Steve, she ain't much to look at.

    Right now, though, I'm concerned that I just misread the whole requirement.  I assumed he wanted to know how to do that from T-SQL, and right there in big bold letter, he said, "In DOS".

    I'll wait for Hammer to clarify before I suggest anything even uglier.

    If it's not too late, I could also suggest that maybe a linked server might save the need for an osql call.

  • Sorry, Hammer, my fault.  I saw "Query Analyzer" in your first post, and that's all I saw.

    Maybe you can try using the NT-shell "FOR" command with the "text parser" option.  I think the syntax would look something like:

    FOR /F %i IN ('isql -h-1 -E -d{dbname} -S{servername} -Q"SET

    NOCOUNT ON SELECT {etc.}"') DO @echo %i

    I include the SET NOCOUNT to remove the feedback about the number of rows affected.

    Instead of @echo, substitute the command of your choice.  The result from the first isql call is trapped in the @i variable.

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