Order by in Union all

  • Hi,

    Is there any method by which i can use ORDER BY clause in UNION ALL.





    /**A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug**/

  • Sure, try something like

    select 1 as seq

    union all

    select 0

    order by seq

    If this doesn't help, please post more details.


  • USE pubs

    --SELECT Count(*) FROM authors WHERE ZIP <= 93000

    --SELECT Count(*) FROM authors WHERE ZIP > 93000 AND ZIP < 94500

    --SELECT Count(*) FROM authors WHERE ZIP >= 94500

    SELECT au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP <= 93000 --ORDER BY zip DESC


    SELECT au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP >= 94500 --ORDER BY zip DESC


    SELECT au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP > 93000 AND ZIP < 94500  --ORDER BY zip DESC



    Is ORDER BY can be written as above (which is commented out) not at the bottom. Is there any method to do so.







    /**A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug**/

  • If you want to use Order By for every select clause of union clause then you need to use the TOP clause like the following

    Select * from (

    Select TOP 1000 au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP <= 93000 ORDER BY Zip


    Select TOP 1000 au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP >= 94500 ORDER BY Zip


    Select TOP 1000 SELECT au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors WHERE ZIP > 93000 AND ZIP < 94500 ORDER BY Zip

    ) as temptable



    Else you can follow the tip by Jesper Mygind

  • Do you want authors with zips between 93000 and 94500 to appear last in your select? Then try something like

    SELECT au_id,au_fname,zip FROM authors

    order by

    case when zip <= 93000 then 0 when zip >= 94500 then 1 else 2 end,

    zip desc

  • and if the Tables were to be different you can add a "helper" column


    Select Col1, Col2, 1 as helper from Table1 where xyz...

    union all

    Select Col1, Col2, 2  from Table2 where xyz...

    union all

    Select Col1, Col2, 3 from Table3 where xyz...

    Order by Helper



    * Noel

  • Though doing a UNION and not a UNION ALL probably will resort your data. Possibily in another order.

    And if you want all the rows and not a fixed number there is always the option to use the PERCENT.

    Example: SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM authors



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