Help! OpenSchema is very slow

  • I have recently begun having problems with a single line of VB6 code.  I'm using the OpenSchema (Information Schema Views) method of ADO to retrieve a list of tables in an SQL database.   At some point this worked very quickly without any problems. 

    Just recently it now takes well over 1 minute to run.  I'm running SQL 2000 sp3 and have un-install and re-installed it several times. I'm also running MDAC 2.8 (ran component checker).  I also have .NET installed.  Also this code runs fine on other computers, other computers can access my SQL Server with this code and it works fine.   I have the same slow issue when accessing other computers SQL servers.

    All issues point to my machine.  I don't believe it's my SQL Server but something else.  Maybe my ODBC, MDAC etc...

    If anyone has some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.


    Reference in Project:   Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library

    Connection string;

     Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Data Source=myODBCsoure;Extended   Properties="DSN=myODBCsoure;Description=Test;UID=sa;APP=Visual Basic;WSID=Development;DATABASE=myDatabase";Initial Catalog=myDatabase


    Dim tblSchema As adodb.Recordset

        Set tblSchema = InConnection.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)     <<<< TAKES OVER 1 MINUTE!!!!

    Thanks in advance

  • Instead of using 'OpenSchema' use the SQL statement

    select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' or xtype = 'S'

    if you want both system tables and user tables or

    select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'U'

    if you only want user tables


  • Thanks for the response, but I can't do that because I have the same code base that run under both SQL Server and MSAccess.

  • Just figured it out.   I had, somehow, set the registry "TraceODBCAPI" setting  to ON.   All my activity was being logged.

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