how to connect to an SQL server with vb USING URL rather than IP

  • I have a connection string that I use with vb succesfuly. It uses IP address to connect to the SQL server, and the IP can be any IP address, whether a private network IP or remote IP.  I was wondering if there is anyone who knows how to connect to a ssql erver using a url rater than IP.  For example,  I have a NO-IP redirecting URL that can directs any attempt to access the address to port 1433 of my IP address.   IS it possibe doing what I have in mind or a connection must be established with an IP?


      ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};" & _

               "Server= " & _

               "Address=",1433";" & _

               "Network=DBMSSOCN;" & _

               "Connection Timeout=30;" & _

               "Database=mydbname;" & _

               "User ID=sa;" & _



    thank you in advance


  • You can always use a DNS URL but you cannot redirect the SQL connector as it does not process redirect messages aimed back at it as far as I am aware of. You should always have the DNS pointed to the correct address so you can use the URL with SQL Connector.


    You might still want to test it to be 100% sure but I don't believe it can at all.

  • hi,


    thanks for the reply.  This DNS stuff is totally new to me.  Can you tell me briefly what is the general concept behind this.  I would guess that there must be some 'entity' providing a service such that any attempt to access a so-called url will end up being directed to the SQL server.  My questions, if I'm in the right area, are the following: how is the attempt to connect from remote machine achived with VB (just like the connection string above achieves that goal), and what are the reuirements to set up the on my windows 2000 server, if applicable.  If not, then what are the other options, do I have to pay for such service.  Lastly, could you refer me to some good source where I can learn to imlement the DNS host, however it should be done?




  • Hello,

    I use the following connection string, in the company i work all workstations and servers are named with a DNS server

    Const SQL_CONNECTION_STRING As String = _

    "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=DatabaseName;server=ServerName\InstanceName;Connect Timeout=30"

    Logging in is Windows login.

    Martin IJzerman

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