Connection to SQL DB via Access 2000 (disconnected)

  • Hi there,

    I'm running SQL Server 2000 on XP SP2 and have succcessfully upsized an access 2000 DB.

    I have no problem opening and accessing the .adp file from the server itself using Access 2003.

    I have also allowed TCP access on the server to port 1433 and I have set SQL to use port 1433 aswell as TCP/IP. The client machine has also been set to use TCP/IP on port 1433.

    When I attempt to access the SQL DB file across the network, from another machine - I can successfully create a Microsoft SQL ODBC connection to the server but when I open the DB file from within Access it 'thinks' for awhile and then opens up a window with the following in the title bar:

    DB name(disconnected): Database

    I can't see/access any Tables etc..

    Any guidance as to how I would be able to allow my remote users to connect to this DB and view the tables would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

    Rhys L.


  • Hi Rhys,

    Have you also opened UDP port 1434, which SQL Server uses to establish communications links from applications?  Also bear in mind that if you have installed the SQL Server as a named instance it could be using a different TCP Port to 1433.

    Have a look at "Connections to SQL Server Over the Internet" in the "Using a Firewall System with SQL Server" sub-section for some more info.

    I've also heard that XP SP2 can stop the debugger working too!


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