SaveToSQLserverAs Method of the Package2 Object (DTS in SQL-Server)

  • Hi all

    See if anyone has a clue on this one. 

    When you create a DTS Package in SQL-Server Environment, you can add Tasks, Connections, Transformations and other goodies. One of many interesting objects you can also add are "Text Annotations".  Also, every object that you add is placed on the package in a specified location so that the next time you open SQL-Server DTS Package you will find things as you left them as supposed to in a big mess. 

    Guess what...! When I use the "SaveToSQLServer" method of the "Package2" Object in to generate a copy of the DTS Package just created, the new package has lost all the layout and "Text Annotations" information that I so hard tried to create in the original package. How the hellllllll can I prevent such mischiefs from happening? 


  • Unfortunately you can't. I fell into the same trap and after losing all my wonderful annotations documenting what the package was doing, I've never done it again.

    I'd really like to have the "Auto-layout" button removed from the toolbar. It has to be one of the most useless buttons around.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hey Phill

    It definetely helps.  I won't have to spend anymore senseless hours trying to figure it out hot to do it.  Seems like DTS is at a very primitive stage.  Hope they improve it cause I like the concept. I sent them an email way back with a bunch of suggestions but haven't got a response. In any case...

    Thanks for the info...


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