How can I determine which column contains a particular value?

  • How can I determine which column in a particular row in a table contains a particular value? I then need to update another table using the result of this query.



    Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 .. Coln

    1 abc abc abc xyz .. abc

    2 xyz abc abc abc .. abc

    3 abc abc xyz abc .. abc


    Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 .. Coln

    1 0 0 0 0 .. 0

    2 0 0 0 0 .. 0

    3 0 0 0 0 .. 0

    For row 1 set t2.Col4 = 123, for row 2 set t2.Col1 = 123 etc.

    I need to do this for multiple table pairs with variable no of columns, t1 & t2 40 columns, t3 & t4 234 columns, t5 & t6 5 columns ...

    Ian Scott

  • What is the relationship between t1 and t2? What is the business rule for determining the value in t2?


  • I didn't explain that very well!!

    In row 1 of t1, col4 contains 'xyz' so update t2 set Col4 = avalue

    In row 2 of t1, Col1 contains 'xyz' so update t2 set Col1 = avalue

    In row 3 of t1, Col3 contains 'xyz' so update t2 set Col3 = avalue

    avalue is derived elsewhere and has no relationship with either table and may vary. 'xyz' can be any value determined elsewhere and may vary.

    That is what I want to happen.

  • You would have to Cut-n-paste a lot, but maybe this helps:

    create table #t1 (pk_id int,col1 varchar(5), col2 varchar(5), col3 varchar(5))

    create table #t2 (pk_id int,col1 int, col2 int, col3 int)

    insert #t1 select 1,'abc','abc','xyz'

    insert #t1 select 2,'abc','xyz','abc'

    insert #t1 select 3,'abc','xyz','abc'

    insert #t2 select 1,0,0,0

    insert #t2 select 2,0,0,0

    insert #t2 select 3,0,0,0


    declare @v1  varchar(10),

            @v2  int

    set @v1 = 'xyz'

    set @v2 = 123

    update a

    set    a.Col1 = case when b.Col1 = @v1 then @v2 else a.Col1 end,

           a.Col2 = case when b.Col2 = @v1 then @v2 else a.Col2 end,

           a.Col3 = case when b.Col3 = @v1 then @v2 else a.Col3 end

    from  #t2 a,

          #t1 b

    where a.PK_ID = b.PK_ID  --Assuming you have this

    select * from #t1

    select * from #t2

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