Service Pack 3a error

  • Hi,

    I have installed service pack 3a on 2 of my machines. It went well.  But, when I try to open Ent. Manager, and expand the server icon, i get 2 errors.

    1.  REBBRUI.rll is missing

    2. Snap-In failed to initialize  Name: Meta Data Services  

    I can OK these messages and proceed.  It is kind of harmless.  But, I want to know what am I missing ?   I am sure some might have got this, as I have got it in 2 machines.

    When I access the same server thru EM, from a remote machine no errors.

    Very much appreciate, your feedbacks.


  • I'd guess your SP is corrupted somehow. Can you reapply it?

  • I just did a fresh download and applied it.  The same errors.

  • Hi bijay,

    I recently installed MS SQL 2000 SP3 over SP2 and am receiving the same errors.

    My specifics are:

    Messagebox Header: Meta Data Services

    Message: REBBRUI.rll is missing

    Once 'OK' is clicked, the next messagebox reads:

    Messagebox Header: MMC

    Message: Snap-in failed to initialize.

                  Name: Meta Data Services

                  CLSID: {1DBA4DD4-EB97-4FD2-AB80-9D0D4BA74034}

    As you stated, once you click 'OK' to each of these messages, all appears fine but my fear is also that I am missing something that I shouldn't be.

    If anyone could help, we would both greatly appreciate the assistance.


    P.S. As some additional information, I have not been able to find the file REBBRUI.rll on either our test or production SQL 2000 machines.  I first performed the EXACT same update (SP3) on our test server and receive no errors when locally opening Enterprise Manager there.  This problem did not occur until installing SP3 on our production server.  I also searched the registry of both servers for referrences to this file and came up empty in both cases so the REBBRUI.rll file does not appear to exist on a server producing these errors or one that does not.

    Microsoft's Knowledgebase and MSDN sites appear to have nothing regarding this and I have seen enough forum posts to know that this is happening to others.

  • Sorry... looks like the edit worked after all.  I've deleted the content of this reply as it appears in the P.S. above. - Michael

  • A check up in the registry for the CLSID gives you HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\RPBRSI.RepositoryBrowserExtension, check that this exists and that there are values in CLSID and CurVer.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hi stacenic,

    In reference to RPBRSI.RepositoryBrowserExtension

    CLSID contains {1DBA4DD4-EB97-4FD2-AB80-9D0D4BA74034}

    CurVer contains RPBRSI.RepositoryBrowserExtension.1

    Then in reference to RPBRSI.RepositoryBrowserExtension.1

    CLSID contains {1DBA4DD4-EB97-4FD2-AB80-9D0D4BA74034}

    There is no CurVer for RPBRSI.RepositoryBrowserExtension.1

    I'm somewhat a registry novice but this is what I have found there.  Not certain as to the relevance or meaning of this information unfortunately.  How does this information compare to others using SQL 2000 SP3?

    Thanks for the assistance,


  • This might be a bit of a longshot but....

    Go to Start-->Run and paste the following line, hit return and wait for the popup to tell you that the registration was successful, then close enterprise manager, restart the SQL services and see what happens.


    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repodbc.dll"

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • ...also try....


    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repbrui.dll"


    ...this is the dll that allows you to browse the Meta Data repository, if it's not registered properly this can cause the error message, as can the previous dll

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Nicholas,

    I was having the same rebbrui.rll / metadata error as above, after applying SP3A and your regsvr32 commands have sinced fixed the problem. Many thanks.


  • Confirmed re-reging the above dll's removed the error too.


  • Hey All,

    Having the same prob but, this file

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repodbc.dll

    doesn't exist on my machine.

    Also, this error only comes up when using Remote Desktop or Terminal Services to connect to the sql box


    I will try a reinstall of sp3a and see what happens.


  • Regestering the 2 dlls fixes the problem.  No need to re-apply the service pack.

    Thanks Nicholas!

  • Had the same problem -just got off the phone with Microsoft.  Here's how you fix it:

    Go to your SQL Server CD, go to the x86\repostry folder...copy the following files to the Program Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry folder on your SQL Server






    go to the x86\repostry\res\1033 folder on the cd

    copy the following files to Program Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\Resources\1033





    next, go to your sql2ksp3 folder on your server (this is where you installed sp3a from) go to the x86\repostry folder

    copy the following files to Program Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry  on your SQL box




    next go to x86\repostry\res\1033 (again from the service pack setup) copy the following files to Program Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\Resources\1033


    Finally, run the following script:

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\dbscan.dll"

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\insrepim.dll"

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\msmdcxml.dll"

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repbr.dll"

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repodbc.dll"

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repbrui.dll"

    Now go into Enterprise Manager - the error should be gone.  Good Luck!!

  • THis along with registering this worked for me as well.

    regsvr32  "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\repodbc.dll"


    C.J. Morgan

    Fedex Freight

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