MDAC Version

  • Hello, How do I find out which version of MDAC is installed on my server?


  • 1. ...\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado

    Just check versions of dll files (i.e. msado15.dll)

    2. Parameters FullInstallVer and Version in registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DataAccess

    3. "Component Checker", from Microsoft site:

    HOW TO: Check for MDAC Version;en-us;301202

  • Thanks very much for the help.

  • The way i check for the mdac version is by doing the following

    copy the code below into notepad

    dim oConn

    set oConn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    msgbox "Mdac Version = " & oConn.version

    set oConn = nothing

    save it as MDAC.vbs

    run it on a machine and if the vb scripting runtime components are installed then hey presto mdac version is displayed.

    NOTE for the uninitiated the 'Component checker' can be a minefield as it chacks all dll's against what microsoft expects to find for the version of MDAC...

    9/10 it will return an indeterminate result..

    Unless you have reinstalled mdac after any other software installation

  • Hi, I´ve a sp that reads the registry and is very useful:

    create procedure sp_DBA_MDACversion


    DECLARE @Ver varchar( 255 )

    EXEC master..xp_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',


    N'FullInstallVer' , @Ver OUT , N'no_output'

    print @Ver

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