ISQLW Query wont work in a DTS package

  • I have a long piece of SQL code, which I am trying to add to a DTS package for automation.

    However it complains about a couple of lines of the code, which seem to be required in ISQLW. As soon as I remove the bad lines before and after the function, it complains about the Declare.

    What am I doing wrong?

    The supposed bad lines are the first two and the go after the function.

    use IPCC


    create function GetQandAbyCampaign


    @Campaign CHAR(10)


    returns table




    select Q.Campaign_ID Campaign_ID, Q.Question_Number Question_Number, Q.Question_Text Question_Text, A.Answer_Number Answer_Number, A.Answer_Text Answer_Text

    from tbl_Answers A

    join tbl_Questions Q on Q.Question_ID = A.Question_ID

    where Q.Campaign_ID = @Campaign



    ----select * from GetQandAbyCampaign('CV20050524')

    ----drop function GetQandAbyCampaign


    declare @BeginDateTime datetime

    declare @EndDateTime datetime

    set @EndDateTime = convert(varchar, '05/25/2005 00:00:00', 101)

    ----set @EndDateTime = convert(varchar, getdate(), 101)

    set @BeginDateTime = dateadd(Day, -1, @EndDateTime)

    ----print @BeginDateTime

    ----print @EndDateTime

    declare @CampaignID nchar(10)

    declare @RowNumber int

    declare CampaignList cursor for

    select distinct campid from CustOutbound where dt between @BeginDateTime and @EndDateTime

    open CampaignList

    fetch next from CampaignList

    into @CampaignID

    set @RowNumber = 0

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @RowNumber = @RowNumber + 1

    ----print cast(@RowNumber as char(1)) + ' ' + @CampaignID

    ----Get Answers for each question----

    print @CampaignID


    select Q.Question_Text Question, Q.Answer_Text Answer, count (*) Total

    from CustOutbound C

    join GetQandAbyCampaign(@CampaignID) Q on Q.Answer_Number = C.ans1

    where C.campid = @CampaignID

    and C.dt between @BeginDateTime

    and @EndDateTime

    and Q.Question_Number = 1

    group by Q.Question_Text, Q.Answer_Text

    ----End of Question----



    select Q.Question_Text Question, Q.Answer_Text Answer, count (*) Total

    from CustOutbound C

    join GetQandAbyCampaign(@CampaignID) Q on Q.Answer_Number = C.ans2

    where C.campid = @CampaignID

    and C.dt between @BeginDateTime

    and @EndDateTime

    and Q.Question_Number = 2

    group by Q.Question_Text, Q.Answer_Text

    ----End of Question----

    ----Repeats for another 23 Questions.

    ----I didn't design the table, but I have to live with it sad.gif

    ----End Of Answers for each Question----

    fetch next from CampaignList

    into @CampaignID


    close CampaignList

    deallocate CampaignList

    drop function GetQandAbyCampaign

  • You should not be using the "GO" statements.

    Set your default database on the connection that you are using instead of trying to use the "USE" statement within the TSQL.

    Break the TSQL into two separate steps withing the DTS.

    The first step needs to create the "getQandAbyCampaign" while the second step will execute the remaining code.


  • Do I break it up using Execute SQL Taks blocks? IF so how do I join them into the flow. I created the original version using the Wizard.

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