Is This possible to do ?

  • Hello All,


    I am working on a view that needs to select the second most recent date.  The reason being to monitor previous discharge dates as a warning sign.


    here is a code example

    authid     claimid   memid            dischargedate                                       

    ---------------- ------------ ---------- -------------------

    100542          05083000006  MB00112864  2005-01-10 00:00:00

    100542          05083000006  MB00112864  2005-01-10 00:00:00

    100542          05083000006  MB00112864  2005-01-10 00:00:00

    100542          05083000006  MB00112864  2005-01-10 00:00:00

    100542          05083000006  MB00112864  2005-01-10 00:00:00

    100359          NULL             MB00112864  2005-03-12 00:00:00

    100393          NULL             MB00112864  2005-03-16 00:00:00

    100319          NULL             MB00112864  2005-01-09 00:00:00

    100456          NULL             MB00112864  2005-02-02 00:00:00

    100323          NULL             MB00112864  2005-03-09 00:00:00

    each person can have multiple items under each authid...which are not shown due to space.  The one I am concerned about would be the last one for the current record 100323 because it is the active record .  However I also  need to list the previous date that they were discharged which would be 2005-02-02 00:00:00 for evaluation purposes.

    I know this probably sounds confusing...out of this record set the only record that will be showing would be 100323 cause that is the record that is the most current...however I need to somehow get the previous records discharge date 2005-02-02 00:00:00.

    I thought about doing some sort of max(case statement) but wasnt' sure...if anyone has a thought as to how I should approach this I would appreciate it.


    Thank you,



  • Is this what you are after ?

    select  d1.authid, d1.memid, (select max(dischargedate)

                                  from  discharges d

                                  where Subq.memid = d.memid


                                  d.dischargedate < SubQ.MaxDate) as PrevDate


    discharges d1


    (select memid, Max(dischargedate) MaxDate

    from discharges

    group by memid) Subq

    on Subq.memid = d1.memid and Subq.MaxDate = d1.dischargedate


    * Noel

  • And another variation...

    CREATE TABLE TestTbl (

    AuthID        INT,

    ClaimID       VARCHAR(20),

    MemID         VARCHAR(20),

    DischargeDate DateTime



    INSERT INTO TestTbl (AuthID, ClaimID, MemID, DischargeDate)

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100359, NULL         , 'MB00112864', '2005-03-12 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100393, NULL         , 'MB00112864', '2005-03-16 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100319, NULL         , 'MB00112864', '2005-01-09 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100456, NULL         , 'MB00112864', '2005-02-02 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100323, NULL         , 'MB00112864', '2005-03-09 00:00:00'


    SELECT TOP 1 T1.MemID, T1.DischargeDate, T2.DischargeDate, DATEDIFF(DAY, T2.DischargeDate, T1.DischargeDate)

      FROM TestTbl T1

     INNER JOIN TestTbl T2 ON T2.MemID = T1.MemID AND T2.DischargeDate < T1.DischargeDate

    WHERE T1.MemID = 'MB00112864' AND T1.DischargeDate = '2005-03-09 00:00:00'

    ORDER BY T1.DischargeDate DESC, T2.DischargeDate DESC

    Hope this helps



  • Noel,

    This puts me in the right direction...all the fields I am going to be working with come out of the same table...REFERRAL...only the memid comes from the member table.

    so discharge date, memid, authid, and claimid are all in the REFERRAL TABLE.  Memid is in the MEMBER table.


    So I was hoping I could do  a select statement and alias the REFERRAL TABLE...where I would select the max discharge date for a particular authid...then alias the table and select the max(discharge date) < the max date....


    That sounds right doesn't it ?


    Thanks guys for the pointers...much appreciated...I will update the thread when I get it working



  • I used the name DISCHARGES for the lack of one supplied by you.

    But yeah, feel free to replace it and you will be good to go


    * Noel

  • Well I am sure there is a good reason that this isn't working

    SELECT ISNULL(MAX(referral.dischargedate), '')




    ISNULL(MAX(referral.dischargedate), '') < (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(referral_reference.dischargedate), '')  

          FROM referral as referral_reference

           JOIN referral (NOLOCK) on

            referral_reference.memid = referral.memid)


    What I was hoping to do is do a sub query that would find the max discharge date for a person based on referencing the table to itself.


    Then taking that date and using to select the next closest date for the previous date.

    The code runs but I get nothing back..all the fields I need for this come from the same table REFERRAL.


    Am I on the right track at all ?


    Thanks for the help guys...I am off for the a Dr.s appointment for the kid he gets the 6 months shots




  • Lee,

    Let me simplify your life a little:

    Create a view with Referal and Referal_Reference that looks like the example you posted. Then go from there




    * Noel

  • so basically create a view that would pull the two fields in from the same table ? 

    like this


    select referral.authid, referral.memid, max(referral.dischargedate) as max_date

    from referral

    group by referral.memid


    then in my other view use the field max_date for the testing...

    I will check back in tomorrow


    Thanks again


  • Well I finally got it to work with the help of a is the code



    previous_discharge_date  = (SELECT MAX(ISNULL(referral_ref.dischargedate, '')) as previous_discharge_date


         referral as referral_ref


         referral_ref.dischargedate  <>'2078-12-31 00:00:00'

         AND referral.memid   = referral_ref.memid),


    I was making it way more complex than it needed to be...


    Thanks to everyone for the help



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