AntiVirus and SQL

  • Hi to all:

    I've read somewhere that there where problems with antivirus and sql server installed on the same box. Does anybody knows where can i read about this, and if it is true?

    thanks to all.

  • MS have a KB article at;en-us;q309422

    Also, stealing a quote from Neil Pike....


    > Is it a good or bad thing to be running any virus detection software on a

    > server running MS SQL Server 7 or 2000? Please give reasons why it is good

    > or bad if possible.

    Good - it protects you from viruses

    Bad - it affects performance

    Bad - if you don't exclude the SQL Server data files from the virus scanner

    there exists the possibility that SQL data/structures will "match" a virus

    signature and will be trashed by the scanners.

    Bad - if you don't exclude DB files then scans can take a LONG time and affect


    fwiw I now run AV software on ALL my servers, with appropriate exclusions so

    DB files aren't affected.

    - Mark

  • thanks!

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