SQL Server Logs - Setting Max Size

  • Hi all,

    I am looking for a way to set a maximum log file size for the SQL Server Logs. Currently it seems that there is no such max size, and the only time a new file is created is when the service is restarted. This makes it awfully difficult to open the files locally using EM or notepad due to potentially large file sizes.

    I would like to force SQL Server to use a new log file whenever a set size limit has been reached. Has anyone else done this?

    As always, any and all help is appreciated!


    Dan B.

  • Setting a max size probably isn't feasible, but perhaps you could cycle the logs on a regular basis? Brian Knight wrote about some undocumented tricks for logs:


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks Brian for the link! (and Brian for the article!)

    A little more work and voila! Here is a sample proc that could be used with a scheduled job to regularly recycle the current log should it grow beyond a specified size.

    I wonder about the field sizes though... Is there anyway to find out what these are in fact?


    Thanks again!

    Dan B

    Create Procedure procErrorLogMaintenance
    @MaxFileSizeint = 10240000

    Declare @CurrentLogFileSize bigint

    create table #LogFileInfo
    [Archive #] tinyint,
    [Date] datetime,
    [Log File Size (Byte)] bigint

    insert #LogFileInfo
    exec xp_enumerrorlogs

    Select @CurrentLogFileSize = [Log File Size (Byte)]
    From #LogFileInfo
    Where [Archive #] = 0

    Select @CurrentLogFileSize
    If @CurrentLogFileSize > @MaxFileSize
    exec sp_cycle_errorlog

    Drop table #LogFileInfo

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